Manifesto for Congress July '09

Day 609, 16:18 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Balthamel

Hello to the East of England!

I, Balthamel, would like to announce my candidacy for Congress in our region and would be very grateful if you could take a moment of your time to consider my manifesto (head straight to the bottom for a summary if you'd prefer). I am very involved with the online Erepublik community particularly in our own regional forums where I'm a member of our local Council. I will continue to serve our region in any way I can regardless of the outcome of these elections but see Congress as the next logical step in representing our views to the wider Erepublik Community.

What will I do for you?

If elected I will be actively representing the UKRP party and campaigning fiercely in Congress along with my peers to achieve a more democratically run government though greater equality amongst the representation of the citizens of the eUK. We are for a free market in order to get our residents the goods they need at competitive prices - this means less government meddling in the economy and at the same time want to educate the country so all voters are able to make sensible business decisions and understand the more complex policies which effect the way our country runs. If elected I personally will strive to be as transparent as possible, explaining the reasoning behind all the decisions I make on you're behalf. In issues of strong contention I will consult you as to how you would like me to vote as I seek to represent the views of my constituents.

Currently we are fighting a world war, which is great for both our economy and for raising our national strength. I am a member of the Royal Guards and am passionate about defending our territory from would be assailants. However, if we want to raise the countries standing internationally it is imperative that war or at least training war's are regular events, so should this World War come to an end quicker than appears likely I will do all I can to push the training war agenda and allow you to strengthen your characters thus better enabling you to support our country in future times of need.
I am also aware that while by allying our country with PEACE, our long-time enemies, Congress has done what is best for our continued stability some of you are worried about a perceived loss of integrity on the international scene. Allow me to reassure you by saying, while our previous actions were entirely necessary, in congress I will be pushing for the eUK to in the future find the middle road of personal gain and honourable conduct so as to fully gain the trust of our new allies. I am also aware that many of you felt left out of the loop during our exchange of alliances and will combat this by keeping you as well informed as I am able of all decisions made and events which affect our national security and international relations.

What am I doing already?

I'm the current Councillor for Media and Information in the East of England. I have paid for our county newspaper out of my own pocket and am currently involved with writing a wiki for the council and an in-game advertisement. I will also be attempting to provide impartial local-election coverage through the newspaper. If elected I will plough the gold I receive right back into funding the advertisement so as to alert our region of the services the council can offer them.

I'm active member of the Royal Guard and if elected will strive to make the national army better known in our region and greater participation in our nations defence.

Finally I have a 50% stake in Spektre Corp with two very successful companies to my name. Consequently I am extremely happy to advise any time my constituents on matters of economic concern to them and to encourage business growth on a local level.

In Summary

I'm dedicated to serving you in or out of congress but I can do a more effective job if you vote for me.
If elected I'll keep you abreast of all local, national and international goings on of relevance to you through this Newspaper.
I'll campaign for increased activity in our region through business growth, military participation and education of the general populace.
I will consult my constituents as to how they would like me to vote on contentious issues.
Any monetary gain I make from being elected will be put straight back into improving our region.