Malaysia, Singapore, and Us

Day 1,125, 21:23 Published in Philippines USA by Hekter

Dear Malaysia and Singapore,

I have tried, really hard to work with you both. So far, this month, Indonesia has been the better ally to the Philippines when it comes to telling us what they are up to.

Let me give you all a rundown on what I've done with international relations the past two weeks.

1. Swapped Sabah and Mindanao to Indonesia.
2. Formed the Pacmen and worked extensively under PACMAN.
3. Tried to convince Singapore to join PACMAN.
4. Discovered the eM-eS Training War and have been pulling things out my bum to try to prevent it from killing someone.

Let's analyze these a bit more extensively.

1. Swapped Sabah and Mindanao to Indonesia
Starting when V3 was announced, I was in contact with people in ePh and old friends that had the ear of Indonesian officials. I eventually PMed the President-elect on election night, who had put the conquest of Mindanao on his goal list, and met with him at 4 in the morning my time. We talked extensively about possibilities. Over the next few days, he met with his Congress and other nations, and eventually decided that they were going to take Mindanao. A few days later we began hammering out the plan, however, this time it involved Sabah.

Indonesia: Okay, so we're taking Sabah and Mindanao.
Me: o_O One moment please.
[PM]Me to Prle[eM]: Okay, they want Sabah as well--give me your thoughts on this.
[PM]Prle[eM] to Me: Well, we don't have a choice in the matter, really.
Me: Okey, and then what?

I contacted Malaysia first, even before I was able to fully consult with my own government and citizenry, because I was concerned for our mutual health. Yeah, losing those two regions sucks and I wish we bordered so I could kill Singapore with my pew-pew-pews, but we all live with sacrifices.

2. Formed the Pacmen and worked extensively under PACMAN.
I've been working as a Captain in the Pacmen and been issuing division-wide orders, instructions, and distributing supplies for almost all our soldiers. It's sucked up a lot of my time, but I feel as though we are making an investment into the future. I also created all the company assignments for the Alpha Division and am in extensive contact for the future ones.

3. Tried to convince Singapore to join PACMAN.
I tried coming into this term to help Singapore. Our relations had been badly impacted by the eSing-ePhil lulz war. Naturally, I wanted them to be under PACMAN with us. 6 days after eMalaysia and ePhilippines had signed the charter and after Pacmen had already started getting off the ground, I finally was able to talk to a few of them about it, to which most of them refused due to the fact that we do not have a solid budget.

I'm sorry, what? eSingapore does not have an operating budget. Nor does eMalaysia. Or ePhilippines. What the bloody hell makes anyone think PACMAN would have one? This is simply mind-boggling to me. All we're doing is pooling our resources and military--you run your military companies, and we'll run ours, and we'll all have the same resources and soldiers! That does not require a budget. It's actually impossible to have a budget--if we did, and we used it all up on Week 3 of 4, what do we do for the rest of the weeks--sit on our hands? Set budgets are ludicrous in small nations, considering our income values are pitiful.

Another thing was the decision on a Minister of Defense, and how it should be democratic. Apparently the Presidents of each nation are so incapable of appointing an MoD that we should not even try, and have the soldiers elect them? This would make for great results, considering we're in three different countries and most of the soldiers coming in know nothing about each other. They just want to fight and protect our nations.

Also lambasted was the lulz nature of the compact. Apparently this is no longer a game.

4. Discovered the eM-eS Training War and have been pulling things out my bum to try to prevent it from killing someone.
Some may not realize it, but there is a war going on down south with three total regions. Due to auto-attack rules, both eMalaysia and eSingapore must risk their only region and thus being wiped from the game for a training war. This plan is not only some of the worst military planning in existence, but the National Military of Malaysia (Pacmen) nor I, the president of the other half of the National Military, were ever told this beforehand. Commander Dr. Straatman was PMed on the first day by Prle, and do you know where I found out about it?

In the news. I had to learn that my closest ally, the one I merged my military forces with, swapped with Indonesia for, and have stood by for months was putting themselves at risk for a strength boost.

I am, simply put, angry.

I worked for several hours today on the first-ever deployment of Pacmen, one that expended entirely Filipino supplies built for our defense over the past few months, because I refuse to give up against idiocy, stupidity, and not being able to think things through. I am trying to save you from yourselves, but I cannot do it all the time.

So, please, eMalaysia, wake up.
eSingapore, I am tired of sticking up for you. Good luck rotting on your island.

President Hekter
Loving the Philippines More Every Moment