Making my run for Party President of the CPF

Day 1,753, 09:21 Published in Canada Canada by Randall Flagg 1999

Ya, I’m running for party president. And as promised, here is my article to explain this insanely rash decision.

Quite frankly I’m running because I believe I can do the job, and do it well. There are three main parts to the job as far as I am concerned. The first being getting our party members into congress, something which I plan on approaching aggressively as I see many good people in this party who need to get into congress.

The second thing is keeping our party engaged during my term. How will I accomplish this? Again, breaking it down into smaller chunks, I will need to keep both our congress members and regular members engaged. For our congress members we will need to coordinate our efforts to prevent any loose cannons on our part in congress. Something I will try and nip in the bud before our congress members walk through congress’ doors. As for our general members, I we encourage the continuation of the discussion of our seven tenants to create a discussion of what being in our party means.

The final thing this job entails is primaries. Both country president and party president primaries are important to me. There is not much I can say here apart from the fact that I will be performing both of these duties with joy.

That sums up the business end of things rather nicely I think. Other than the above there is not much else I can tell you folks that is not already known about me. I care about my party, my MU and my country and I wish to see all three prosper.