Make us some moolah

Day 633, 15:03 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by East Midlands Assembly

The East Midlands Council is looking for a new finance Councillor to handle all our monies. The details are listed below:

Councillor of Finance
This role will consist of organising and obtaining funding for the regional council. This councillor will be responsible for budgeting our spending. They will also be responsible for all purchases for the region, including (but not limited to) Moving tickets, competition prizes and similar. They will also have to approve any competitions proposed, and will have the power to block any competition if the council has insufficient funds for it (Note - If someone volunteers to privately fund the competition, then it may go ahead). The person fulfilling this role will HAVE to be able to use the Monetary Market to his/her best ability. When the new Congressmen donate their gold, the gold in the council should be able to double and then the Congressmen can have their gold back (or leave it in the Council to further push the funds)

If you are interested please PM me on the forums with any applications or questions

-Lee Richards
Council Chairman