LV: The 2010 eAmerican Pageant

Day 1,138, 14:42 Published in USA USA by Little Old Halfling

The Pageant is already under way!

A fierce competition we have hear folks, a very fierce one indeed. The polls are still open on this one, as the participants try their best to prove that they are the best America has to offer.

We've finished the swimsuit competition (with their participants selecting the best proxies they could find).

As well as the talent portion (actual participants pictured this time).

We now proceed on the question and answer part of the competition, where each participant will be asked the question: "What makes you deserve to win the 2010 eAmerican of the Year Award?"Colin Lantrip is supposed to be first, but for some reason the judges can't...

It appears Colin Lantrip is, uh, indisposed. Let's just move on to the next participant, shall we?

CRoy steps up to take the stage. The audience is rapt, as CRoy grabs the mike.

"I'm a risk taker,

a mover and shaker.

I am,

the f-cking rainmaker."

The audience goes wild, as CRoy departs the stage. Oh dear! What's this, it appears Gagah (or the artist formally known as Emerick) is rushing the stage and appears to be trying to wrest the microphone from my gr-

"Besides being the driving voice/image/persona behind SEES, which was unquestionably the most influential/important/talked about organization of the year(not to mention the fact that every president but Frost, Reala, and Lantrip were SEES vetted), I don't see me being as influential or whatever the criteria you're looking for this past year. I mean, sure, I was in almost every cabinet, but I did almost nothing. Sure, I'm in Eden HQ, but the alliance is falling apart. You could credit me with driving away the #elitists into Pakistan for the Exodus, but please don't put my name on that. You could say that my swagger last year influenced countless people into action this year, but that would have gotten me an award last year, not this one. You could say that my mere presence causes rifts and activity. And that would be nothing but true.

But I won't be voting for myself. No, I'll be voting GF for doing the greatest thing in eRepublik since the original Dioists tore it apart.

GF for American of the year. Because you know it's true.

Good enough?"

...Okaaaay. Thank you Gagah. Uh, let's continue on with the other partipants, then, shall we?

In the absence of Glorious Failure/Necrosis, the Pageant Committee would like to present this slide show presentation.

Never forget.

The audience claps, tears are shed, the lights come back up.

Josh Frost now saunters out from behind the curtains.

Josh Frost, why do you deserve to win this award?

"I'm a cat that can type isn't that enough to earn me the award?"

And with that, Josh saunters off. Our next participant, Ligtreb steps up to the stage. The light shines softly upon him. He lets loose a little smile, the incarnation of humilty, and begins to speak.

"I'm honored to have been chosen, I don't think I belong up there with the other six names.

I don't think I deserve to win, but think I was nominated because I've been consistently involved with the things I do best: helping out with newb programs like the USA Welcoming Committee and the Department of the Interior, being a knowledgeable and active Congressman, and a voice of reason in the media, in politics and on the forums."

The audience claps, slow at first, but then the roar of applause fills the arena. Ligtreb steps off.

And now St Krems has the opportunity to defend himself. The roof of the Pageant arena opens up, and a flyover occurs.

Parachuting out of one of the jets, St Krems sticks the landing, and grabs the mike.

"Top Gun."

The crowd goes wild, as St Krems departs!

With that, ladies and gentlemen, our Pageant is at an end. I hope you all enjoyed it, and I would like to remind you that if you haven't voted yet, voting will continue for the next 48 hours.


Stay frosty.