Lowering the minimum wage

Day 493, 15:35 Published in Greece Greece by Hellenic Revenge

A discussion started in the congress regarding a slight lowering of minimum wage. An attempt to lower it failed a few days back, when the proposal was rejected with a 4-4 vote. H.R supports this proposal.

The fact is that wages are on a rise and this won't change at any time soon. Lowering the minimum wage will eventually only affect... the minimum wage! This means that for the first two days of a new player (until he gets to skill level 1), instead of receiving 5 GRD per day, he will get 3 or 4 GRD.

For a Grain company like Hellenic Grain, an unskilled employee is paid 5 GRD and his work returns only 0.2-0.6 of a GRD to the company! We employ level 0 workers for two reasons:

1. To support new players and the economy.

2. In the hope that this new employee will be active and stay with the company, eventually giving it profits instead of losses.

Most new players doesn't work like that though. They will either turn inactive in the first few days or move to another company the moment they see a higher wage.

If a new player turns inactive or leaves after two days, with the current minimum wage the company will lose around 9 GRD (10 GRD wages minus ~1 GRD profit from his work). This will finally force companies to stop employing level 0 workers.

Lowering the minimum wage will also lower the losses of employing unskilled workers and allow companies to continue doing it.