Lost Empires

Day 1,194, 09:04 Published in Israel Philippines by Marie von Gablitz

Everything started in the first half of january time when Norway joined eRepublik and very soon become second population ranked nation in the world with about 1500 citizens which back then was a impressive number.
With their neighbor Sweden they had created Northern Alliance and together started with conquesting creating a military machinery.

Sweden had chosen European way while Norway focused on Finland.
Attack on Finland was only a way to another and higher goal.
War with Russia started on 1 may 2008. Russia at that time generaly was territorial huge but with low number of citizens, they had a land but not people.
Norway had occupied all Russian regions on 6 may 2008 and this date symbolized the fall of first comunist country.

First problem signs were Finnish fighters for free Finland who had lived in Norway. Finnish fight for freedom started in october 2008 which had lead to Norwegian Finnish war in december 2008 organized as a trainning war between those two countries where Fiinland become the first country that becomes free from Norwegian occupation.

When Norway lost Finland she lost big amout of population , older and stronger citizens also left the country. Number of citizens dcreased from day to day.and with every new day Norway become more vulnerable because country without people isnt a country at all.
Sawing inner problems in the country, Russia started resistance wars same as Finland done before.
In december Russians become threat to Norwegian congress and the agreement was established.
Norway had agreed to retread from several Russian regions in exchange that Russians leave the congress.

After two liberated regions the secret pact saw the daylight. Romania refused Russian try to make better relationship with ATLANTIS alliance. Plan between Norway and Romania was to liberate russian regions through resistance wars and creating war Romania - Russia.

Norway losed rich regions one by one split between Russia and Romania.
Norway simply played to much with fire and burned to the ground.
In mart and april 2009 Hungary done one of the biggest successful take over in Norwegian congress after what the country was totally ruined in economical and political aspects and never get the old glory back.

During WWIII Norway has failed again with tries to block Russia but she get defeated even losing some original regions against Russia and getting Norway out of further war events even she was a full member of EDEN and had alliances with other ally nations.

Norway has failed as a empire because they underestimated their inner enemies.
As a real vikings Norway slowly started to leave the game and left everything to go by itself without a control.

Empires won by conquest have always fallen either by revolt within or by defeat by a rival