Logan Dunleavy, steaming towards Maine!

Day 668, 17:26 Published in USA USA by logan Dunleavy

Today logan Dunleavy held a press conference in his crowed Q1 apartment, stating that he will be running once more for congress in the state of Maine. He said that he will bring economic reform, and in this time of war, try to bring as much more money as possible to the military.

(logan Dunleavy's press conference)

This will be his 4th month running for congress and 3ed time running in Maine. A long time opponent of Seeker1. Today at a rally many supporters showed up and so did our cameras to take this photo for you.

logan is a member of the Home Guard a former two time party president as well as former deputy and full time ambassador to eIreland. He is also host of the Logan Report on blog talk radio and the inventor of "Loganomics." Another rally will be held tomorow in Florida, and the next day in Maine, logan says he is also looking forward to a debate with Seeker1 and any other candidate for the great state of Maine.