logan Dunleavy for President of Singapore!

Day 918, 14:18 Published in Singapore USA by logan Dunleavy

Hello, my fellow Singaporeans. As you know I'm logan Dunleavy, party president of the Singapore National Party. I have created this article to inform you that I intend to run for president of this nation that I am sure you care for as much as I do. But now I suppose I'll skip to the part that you all want to read, the policies!

New Citizens
If I am elected you will see great reforms come to this nation. Reforms that in my opinion are long over due. We will start off by reforming the military, as of now we have a small and for the most part inactive. This is something I find needs to be fixed. That is why if elected we will form a Training Corps so that our younger players can get used to working with other people in a structured unit and fallowing orders. This will be a great learning experience for them to grow up the be the next leaders of our nation.

Because as you know the active population of eSingapore is shrinking, not growing. We must start to bring up a new generation of active Singaporeans to replace our generation after we are gone. This Training Corp will be combined with a national education program that will teach our citizens how to go on IRC, fight, use the hospital and become involved in politics as well as teach them our history as a nation. It is this belief in the individual that my campaign takes pride in. As the old saying goes "give a man a fish you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime". We must teach them to fish so to speak. We must empower our citizens with the power to change the nation themselves. We need to give them the tools.

Now that I have explained what I will do to help our newer players and get them active I will now go over what other reforms I will make if elected. On major reform I would like to work on is the way that our government functions. As of now the government is very closed and there is a lack of communication. I see this as a major problem, that is why if elected I will hold bi-weekly full cabinet meetings to catch me and the rest of my staff up on what everyone in the government is doing. We must also make Congress more efficient, as president I will release articles every other day to inform people as to what the government has been working on and to take feedback from the people on how they think the government is doing.
Fun, together
But we must remember that this is a game and we all need to have fun that is one of the key points on my agenda, to have fun. But in order to have fun we must get new players involved and reform our government. Together, my fellow Singaporeans we will strive together to make a funner and more efficient Singapore, not only for us but for our future generations. So on election day vote for change and a new breed of politicians, vote for the change that you want to see come to Singapore. Vote for me Singapore and together we can make bring our nation up to the great potential that she has!

Foreign Relations
I would now like to explain my stance on foreign relations. Yes we are neutral and that in my opinion is the only path I see being right for Singapore. But it is time that we begin to reach out to other nations and show that Singapore is a great place to eLive and invest in. As well as have diplomatic or economic ties to. This is why under my leadership we will appoint one representative to each major alliance, EDEN, SOL and Phoenix. They will represent our interest in each alliance. We are currently a part of SOL and have a representative there.

But the reps. sent to EDEN and Phoenix will show Singapore's interest in having good relations with their alliances as well as respect for eSingapore's neutrality.

We lack the active population as of now to send an envoy to each nation in eRepublik but I do plan on appointing special envoys to specific nations that we either need better relations with or just relations in general. The nations I see us needing better or more diplomatic relations with are, eSouth Africa. After a series of incidents we have all time low diplomatic relations with them. The second nation is the eUSA. They are no doubt a power player in eAsia and there are things we can learn from them. That is my list for now, as I see it this new way of doing things is just what eSingapore needs. We must all work together to make our nation a better place. "Count on me Singapore, count on me to do my best and more, together Singapore we can achieve"