Lion Loans Status

Day 1,612, 12:13 Published in USA USA by Yui MHCP001

Amount of people that took out a loan: 22
Amount of Loans taken out: 31
Amount of Loans paid back: 25 (26 if you count the one paid by the Admins 😛)
Average amount taken out: 3774.54838709677 (or 3774.55 USD)

As you can see, Lion Loans is off to a slow start, but a great one. Only 5 people have not paid back their loan that they had out. I am not going to give out names, frankly because most of them quit.

But Lion Loans has slowed down a lot since the Currency Conversion, so I'm looking for it to start getting business once again.

That is why, from now on, the loan limit is raised as follows:

Plain - 10000 (This will definitely go back down if people don't pay back)
Bronze - 12500
Silver - 15000
Gold - 20000
Platinum - 25000
Diamond - 50000

Since there isn't any currencies anymore, I threw away the USD label. It's all UCU (Universal Currency Unit)

I've also decided to down the rates a little bit. So, from the time this article is published and onward, the rates are as follows:

Plain - 4.5% (2.25% for Once a week)
Bronze - 4% (2% for Once a week)
Silver - 3.5% (1.75% for OAW)
Gold - 3.25% (1.625% for OAW)
Platinum - 3% (1.50% for OAW)
Diamond - Something less that 3%

The Level Qualifications are still the same:

Plain - None
Bronze - 5 loans paid
Silver - 20 loans paid
Gold - 50 loans paid
Platinum - 99 loans paid
Diamond - Approval by LB and/or Leos111

Everyone is Level Plain, except for Neron, whom is Diamond.

Apply for a loan here:

Remember, she wants you to take out a loan, so you might want to.

Over and out
