Lion Loans re-opening!

Day 1,555, 12:58 Published in USA USA by Yui MHCP001

It's back! The Lion Loans is back in action!

(Don't make fun of me I know it's bad)

With this re-opening, there comes a few changes, and an addition here or there

Change I: Rates

I know you're not going to like this, but the rates have increased. The rates are now as follows:

Plain - 5%
Bronze - 4.5%
Silver - 4.0%
Gold - 3.5 %
Platinum - 3.25%

But, with that, comes another thing...(See Addition I)

Change II: Level Requirements

As you know, Lion Loans has a system of levels, each with its own different rate (See above). I've decided to up the Requirements to each level.

The requirements are as follows:

Plain - None
Bronze - Same (5 loans taken out and paid back)
Silver - 20 loans taken out and paid back
Gold - 50 loans taken out and paid back
Platinum - 99 loans taken out and paid back (Why not 100? Just to mess with you 😛)

Addition I: Interest

You now have 2 options for how Interest applies

You can either have the One time Rate (As seen above)
Or you can have Applies once a week.

If you choose Once a week, the rates are as follows;

Plain - 2.5%
Bronze - 2.25%
Silver - 2%
Gold - 1.75%
Platinum - 1.625%

I would recommend this way if you can pay in less than 2 weeks

The Limits are the same, but if you don't remember them, here they are.

Plain - 2000 USD
Bronze - 2500 USD
Silver - 3000 USD
Gold - 5000 USD
Platinum - 7500 USD

We also have a new form! Please refer to
to request a loan.

All the information of people who have already paid off loans have been transferred

Over and out


Over and out
