Life of a Civilian Soldier

Day 905, 13:38 Published in USA USA by Gulden Draak

Let’s face it the military is not for every citizen. Whether the style does not suit your game interests or you do not have time it does fit everyone and that is ok . However, this means that you must live our eLife as a “civilian soldier”. Recently important battles have occurred in both Limpopo and Liaoning (Lion King). These battles required US citizens to travel in order to fight. Unless you are in the military and have some things provided for you it can be difficult to make the trip over to these locations. Difficult without proper knowledge that is . This article will provide a couple of tips to help you make the trip over and avoid frustration. Nobody wants to be sitting at home while an important battle is going on. First though to my friends and subscribers in the military, I love you never forget that fact. What you do for the country is amazing and your service will never be forgotten. This article is simply meant to aid people who have chosen to not make the military a part of their eLife. We still need these citizens to fight though to build a stronger eUS. This article is not meant to put down the military by any means. With that said let’s get started.

Hold down your job - One of the main reasons citizens cannot leave to fight overseas is because they cannot leave their job. Once you take a job you must stay at that job for 72 hours before you can resign. This is why I suggest that you do not job hop to much . Work with a high wellness so you do not get fired and constantly have to change jobs. Unless you view the job market and there is a huge gap in pay do not leave your job. However, if you do find yourself in a position where you can’t leave your job and there is a big battle going on ask to be fired . As long as you explain your intentions many company owners will fire you so you can fight overseas.

Buying while the market is down - During big battles and congress elections moving ticket prices peak because everyone is buying. This is not when you want to buy tickets . You want to have already purchased your tickets before the battle occurs. Just keep them in your storage. The same can be said for weapons. Their prices also peak during big battles. Buy weapons before the big battles and just keep them in your storage waiting for destruction. You must use an organization for the weapons as every time you fight weapons are used from your storage.

Spend your salary wisely - After you work and taxes are taken out you will be left with the cash that you can spend. Spend this cash wisely. Find the best combination to achieve your desired wellness. For instance sometimes it is better to buy a combo of lower quality food and gifts than it is to just buy high quality food to achieve your desired wellness. It all depends on the market prices. Look at the prices do the math and find out what is best for you. The cash you save may allow you to buy an extra weapon over time.

Getting stuff for FREE - If you are a civilian soldier it will be important to look for the free stuff. Did you know that for the Lion King battle halfie was giving out free weapons ? Did you know for the Limpopo battle ligtreb was giving out free weapons and moving tickets to fight ? The forums at also provide several ways for citizens to get free weapons and other items. Read the media and get on the forums to find the free goods

That is all for now. Hope it helped. Don’t forget to vote and sub. Until next time…….

Stay thirsty my friends,

Gulden Draak