Liberty Lives in the Republican Party

Day 879, 10:11 Published in USA USA by Pizza The Hut

NOTE: Party orders are to remain in the Republican Party. Ignore all messages from the fake Republican Party Org. as it is run by the same people who tried to PTO us. It's another manipulation tactic.

April 15th, 2010 was a great day of Victory for the Republican Party in our fight to bring sensible leadership back to the eUSA. Although we know that eRepublik and real life do not always go hand-in-hand, as your Party President and as the Senator from the great state of Florida I dedicate myself wholeheartedly to the philosophy of "WWRD", What Would Reagan Do? It is important that we ALWAYS stick to our principles and to conduct ourselves with honor, dignity and with an undying Patriotic fervor and love for our country.

Firstly, we will be forming a new Republican Leadership Council. A few positions have already been established but the rest are up for grabs. All you have to do to apply is message me within the next day or so and explain why you would be the best fit for a particular position. On all major decisions, a majority vote of 5/9(including the Party President) will be required for any crucial decision.

Party Vice President- The 2nd in command who helps with the executive aspect of the GOP and to lead the party in the event of the Party President's absence.

Congressional Director- Responsible for congressional coordination as well as organizing the list of mobile voters within the party.

Chief Fundraiser- The chief fundraiser is responsible for raising funds which can be used for moving tickets as well as a party gifting program to keep up the wellness of those in need.

Statistician- The statistician will conduct periodic polls and be responsible for the Country Presidential Primary. Some knowledge of googledocs spreadsheets and formulas would be preferred for this position.

Press Secretary- Responsible for writing regular articles about what's occurring in the party and promoting our positive public image.

Recruitment Chief- Directs the effort to target and recruit new members to the party. For those with less available time, deputy positions are also available.

Presidential Advisor- Mattoze5(The former three-term Conservative Party President Mattoze5 will provide counsel to the Party President).

Party Spokesman- Tessorf(He did a phenomenal job while I was directing the party without an actual leader and he will speak this position in the official council).

Further, some of you may be reading various propaganda in the press or be told certain things. Remember that the mastermind behind all this, the notorious Woxan, led the charge to try to PTO our party. Those who label us conspirators with America's enemies or try to label us as a threat are in fact the actual national security risk. It even went so far that a spy was placed in our midst who seized control of our Official Party Org(which should be ignored until it is once again under friendly control). These individuals(although few in number as evidenced by their epic fail attempt to PTO us on Election Day) will spread whatever lies and falsehoods they think will stick. I encourage you all to write articles on why you're proud of our party and to tell your friends who are looking for a party that truly cares for them to help turn the Republican Party into the powerhouse of liberty that it deserves to be.

Finally, those of you seeking to run for Congress may message me. Due to the inflation of the UIP we will likely only be able to support a limited number of candidates. If we cannot get you in this time, be patient because May will be a golden month for our party. Our time is coming and it will be a glorious age to be an eAmerican.

Stay tuned for my next article which will announce my decision on the RLC(Republican Leadership Council) as well as a Party Convention which will take place in the near future.

Semper Fi! Keep fighting the good fight my friends!