Letter of Resignation

Day 1,347, 03:52 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by JUJAI23

dear eMalaysian,

I'm JUJAI23, and today decided to resign all positions that I hold in the party and in government. I hope Parti Kemajuan eMalaysia will success in the future. I'm now going to remind all the sweet moments of my time in this historic party. Initially, I was the new boy in this game. I set up a newspaper for the oldies to notice my presence in this country. I have also promised to represent the voices of youth in this country that the government and young people in line in order to achieve the mission and aspirations of the leaders at that time. And my first article in Malaysians newspaper is INTRODUCTION. Then i become addicted to write more article after some positive feedback from my eMalaysians friends. My second Article was quite controversy when I quipped that the party's election showed the people of Malaysia's fight against the PTOer from Brazil.( [JKem] JUJAI - review the party election). after the various activities that I made, I then offered by the Country President (SatoshiTomiie) to assume the post of defense minister. Before elected officially, i wrote about Party Election that held in Malaysia before. At these time, I'm already a member of PKeM and all my comment is made long time ago with my own Future Foresight. I officially announced as Ministry of Defence by SatoshiTomiie at his article [CP] Cabinet Line Up for April | NEW!! FIRED AND HIRED.

My first task is talk with eSingapore and talk about letting Penisular back to its original owner. But eSing refuse and challenged us to take back Penisular from their hand. At this moment, we built up good brotherhood with eIndonesia in the name of Semangat Nusantara and we are able to liberate PM from eSing's hand. We are so coordinated and doing well with that Resistance Force. here are some of our Battle Order that are given during the Battle.

- [MoD] BATTLE ORDER DAY 1,245 (04:16)
- [MoD] BATTLE ORDER DAY 1,245 (07:21)
- [MoD] BATTLE ORDER DAY 1,247 (04:09)

After the success of the war, I then decided to run for Congress seat in Dewan Rakyat. For you information, at this time, i was only lavel 19. With good record in Military job, plus Interesting campaign, i was elected to fill a post in Sarawak representing PKeM. Even win the election, i did not stop doing military work as to enhance relationship with Indonesia, and morale of other eMalaysia people. After tiring week, Ministry of Defence post a article with all girls that should be watched if they walk in front of us. Girld Around The World MoD sight.

Me then elected to more relaxing task, which is Ministry of Internal Affairs. First thing that i do is restructuring the party system. My plan is to close the third party, but with the presence of Pippolo, the PTOer of all times, the plan ruin. Realize this man is serious threat, I then launched a Campaign to detect RL malaysian. This campaign look achieve its expectation, when the document about eMalaysian is updated.

My political career in a hike when i create a manifesto regarding my second run for Congress of Sarawak again. You can read it here. Because of that i'm retaining my position at Congress Hall with comfortable position. [Official Result] May 2011 Congress Election . About 20 days latter, after i own big reputation in country and party, i come out with the idea to have our own Supreme Council. So, I post it here. A lot of people comment and give some positive and negative feedback to me. Party Election comes, i give my view to other regarding that, I honor to promote Video Jack so that he can win over Kyouharu and become Party President. I'm doing this so that people in our party can see that this leadership is a brotherhood tide that won't break easily. Article about this matter.

First time in my life i can see that this very PKeM can win over PAFP in an election. so i make a platform for people of Malaysia to fell the heat of the real election. Election Coverage was born to bring people into this political war. I'm top of the world then Party that i loved so much win and hold the mejority of the Congress Hall and my combination with Video Jack, Arianfar, and Kyouharu is a dream come true for the party. At last PKeM is highly regarded by others. PKeM is everything for me at this moment. But, when i see some of new players is not as lucky as me in the politic career, i started to make PKeM Party Election.

After CP Election, PKeM party is the busiest party. Furthermore our Candidate for CP position had lose to Lenin1990. We have to save our party life.... Then the election of PKeM start with the nomination distributed to all party members. The election end with no objection by any of our members. They agreed with the term and condition until a person some out of nowhere and named himself as Party's new Chairman. This is a Deja-Vu to this party when we have two candidate want to run for CP position. before this, Kyouharu succumb and open a way for VJ to run for CP.. but now i'm having the same thing that Kyouharu faced before. that it... I Resign.... You got the chance to make your dream comes true.. team up with Dr Straatman is your right VJ, lets see if PKeM can stand still without me... I'm nothing actually.. You founded this i have no right to prevent you from running...

Kyouharu and me will back together soon.. but never shown up in PKeM again..

Good Luck Dr Straatman... you won