Lets KICK SOME @$$!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jai Hind!!!!!!!!

Day 875, 10:23 Published in India India by W.Morris

My second article http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/india-stand-united-against-serbia--1300575/1/20

Its offical we are going off to war with Serbia, every body start stocking up on Q3 + weapons and Q1 gifts. Lets show them what India is made of !!!!!!!!!!!!

Our lands have been accoupied by those Serbians for long enough, and now its our time to take back our land.
They have tried to PTO but failed, they have been on our borders for ages but never had the guts to attack us, NO WE ARE GOING TO SHOW THEM WHAT WE CAN DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is our war poem made by Abhi347

Load Your guns, with bullet of tons.
Kill those foes, or make them goes.
Move to Battle, enough Time to Settle
Serb will loose, and the fishbot moos 😃

Thats me ready to kick some Serbian @$$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JAI HIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!