Let's not give up. It's up to you

Day 1,062, 05:51 Published in South Africa South Africa by Bobady zoo

As you all know, we have lost our current resistance party to the Hungarian PTO efforts. Some may start to feel demotivated and tired following constant run of loses which is putting South Africa further and further under thus PTO. Some may feel that we will never control our country, that our country will be under Hungarian rule permanently. These are not thoughts that should even cross your mind. You, as a South African citizen, should never give up. That is what makes a person great, the inability to give up.

Today I would like to talk about an important task that I am assigning to you. Who do I mean when I say “you”? I mean you, the castle drinking, shoshaloza singing, biltong eating South African as well as all those foreign nationals that have being working with us and are True South Africans. And I don’t mean just the level 24 who’s played this game for a year; every single player can help.

There is one thing each and every one of you can do in order to help our country. And that thing is, to inspire a baby boom. This something that requires minimal work if spread across a country’s people. It requires almost no experience of the game what’s so ever. All is requires is for you to have the drive, the dream, that we will be free.

So what can you do? A baby boom requires multiple things. A large number of players to join the game as South African citizens, a mechanism to keep the players interested as well as a mechanism to inform the players which side is South African and which side is Hungarian. First lets talk about getting players to join the game as this is probably the easiest thing, and more importantly, the one thing each and every South African can do.

In order to increase our population, we need a large number of babies to join the game in a short time. While some people use multiple accounts to generate a sort of baby boom, we want a boom of new players who will be constructive in South African society. In order to get these bright minds, we need to first advertise the game and more importantly eSouth Africa. This requires people to post information about the game on the web, be it on a forum or on a blog or on anything you wish. We all frequent other websites and many frequent a large number of forums, so why not put a link to erepublik in you signature. That requires no work and can make all the difference. Personally I joined because of a link I saw in the signature of a now departed player.

The second thing is that we need to retain players. There are a number of ways in order to achieve a large player retention rate, something Poland were not able to do in the greatest baby boom in the game’s history. For me, the main thin that keeps me involved is the media aspect as well as IRC which has brought me many good laughs. We need to take hold of our media, make it enjoyable and make sure players know how to get the most out of the game. IRC needs to be advertised, for many players, this is the number one thing they spend their erep time on and it is where most of my erep friendships developed. We need to make sure the game is fun from day one, make friends with newer players and keep them playing. Another medium which is key for retaining players is the military. Many players focus on the military aspect on the game. For new players, the army is a great place to learn about the game and make a few friends. We need to make sure new players know the joy of being part of the eSAAF, thus making it more enticing to join.

The third thing is that we need to make sure that all players know who is who. By publishing articles about South Africa or in Afrikaans, you can show noobs that you are in fact South Africans which will likely cause them to gravitate towards our side. The other thing all RL South Africans should do, is use South Africanisms when they write articles or comment ect… These are things that only South Africans say, things that google translate won’t help with.

One more thing I want to talk about is, that we need to retake our media. With the new laws in which people may only write in the country of their citizenship, Hungarian players have taken over our media making it impossible for new players to understand what is going on, something which scares away may newer players. What needs to be done is that we need to flood the media with articles, and when I say articles, I mean good articles. Articles that are informative or enjoyable to read, articles which will help others. The second thing is that we need start voting up our fellow South African’s articles. Vary rarely do South African written articles make it to 50 votes which is a travesty. Take 10 minutes out of you day, to simply vote up true South African articles with both your citizen account as well as any orgs you have access to.

So, I ask you all this. Will you be the person to bring South Africa out of our current situation? Will you be voting up True South African articles? Will you make the South African media the best media in the world? Will you make South Africa the best country in the world? I am asking you!