Let's Hear it for...Patriotism?

Day 505, 09:45 Published in USA USA by Aren Perry

Patriotism: Or the lack therof, is very disappointing.

You know, the sad thing is I wasn't too surprised when somebody screwed us over again. It wasn't a big of a shock as when Franco did it. I don't think anybody was from the reaction in the irc.

We have reached the stage where the only way you can trust the American beside you is if you have a contract with them. Even those we thought trustworthy will apparently have the potential to turn their back on you.

I suppose part of it comes with being such a big nation. I suppose part of it comes from having so many differing views, maybe not covering our backs enough with contracts and what not.

But the lack of patriotism, the idea that maybe we can be proud of our nation and serve our nation instead of ourselves, is too much in the USA. Instead we focus on personal gains.

Listen everybody. This game was meant to be enjoyed, and debate can be a part of that fun, but we are losing good peole like Uncle Sam and many others to other nations because we can't get along. I admit I've had my sores from people from different perspectives. But I hope I never personally attacked them, and I hope I've learned now from all of this that it gets you nowhere.

I don't care what party you are from, we need to respectfully talk and get along. What a funny idea I have in hoping that if, as I hope, I become Party President (of the AAP), to have good relations with both USWP and CvP. I want to be able for us to resort to open discussion to find a way suitable for all of us.

One example of this is the contracts for iron idea that we had in congress. The liberals wanted government subsidized companies, the conservatives wanted the free market to reign. Middle Ground? Government contracts to private companies. It never really got implemented and now our weapon companies are a wreck (which could have been avoided with the proper use of contracts).

We need things that we can all get behind, like the Public Information Act and its related bills that will help give clarity to what is going on in congress.

So America

Let's slander the "USWP Zombies", the stubborn CvP, the presidential candidate. Why can't we stand united and speak with civility? In the last article that Moishe wrote, now #1 in our nation, the comments came pouring in.

Funnily enough, many of them included personal slanders that even when directed at a few people who may deserve them started a rockslide of personal attacks.

We still haven't learned our lesson. Come, let us TOGETHER from EVERY party and different viewpoints try our best to find middle grounds, use compromise, and get something done in our nation for our nation. I dare you. If we can get united, as the largest enation, nothing could stop us. In fact, it is the only thing that is stopping us.

We need active patriotism.

Aren Perry,
Illinois Congressman
AAP Head of Recruitment
Ambassador to Turkey
New Player Mentor
Three term former SADD member
