Let me ask you a question

Day 1,043, 13:30 Published in Hungary South Africa by Bobady zoo

I decided to write this article after reading yet another article about a player quitting because of the ongoing cheating that surrounds the game in the form of multiple account PTOs. Now, I know you Hungarians aren’t going to like what I am about to say, but to be honest, the PTOers in South Africa have dropped my levels of respect to ordinary Hungarians and I shall tell you why in this article.

One of the things I look for in a great person is a sense of honour and integrity and in a game like this, these traits can be very important. Now I know some people say that the way you act on the internet does not reflect on the way you act in Real Life. I strongly disagree as you are the same person whether typing on the internet or speaking to someone you know except maybe, cowards are more likely act horribly on the internet without fear of repercussions

I always remember a saying that says, the only way to get to know someone is to play sport with them because that is where their true attitudes come out. Another way is probably the internet. While with sport you do not have much control of what you say due to your testosterone, on the internet, there is no fear whether people will accept you or not. That is what worries me about the Hungarians that PTOed South Africa and even many of you at home in eHungary.

It is clear that the PTOers don’t play the game with any honour. Taking over a country with illegal manners (you aren’t fooling anyone, everyone knows you cheated), is certainly not honourable and is one of the reason I hate many of these Hungarian PTOers. But you could say they are just the minority of the Hungarians and the rest of you are good people who want to play the game honourably, with integrity, play it honestly without cheating.

But in a game where there are no repercussions, I have to ask myself. To Those Hungarians who are not part of the PTO but have not condemned it nor have they fought against it. Do you guys, also play the game with any honour. DO you accept cheating and go on with your life, supporting a government who is so willing to cheat. You guys seem to not care about others and winning, if you can call whatever you are doing winning, is more important than the way you play the game.

So here is my point to the article. Do you Hungarians openly support cheating. Do you have no honour that you do not care whether people consider your people is lying ratfaced cheaters. Why do you willing condone cheating and even worse, openly profit from it. Is it Hungarian culture to cheat your way in life or is it just the players in this game who have no integrity. If you do have honour, if you do have integrity, then prove me wrong. Show me that you do not support cheating, show me that you are good people who want to play this game fairly.

I am sending out a challenge to ordinary Hungarians to prove that they do not support cheating, show me and the rest of the world that this is not the Hungarian way. I know I am going to get a thousand replies of Eden troll or other rubbish like that but all that does is prove the lack if intellect they have. But, I am asking this as a serious questions, not as a trolling article. Do you Hungarians support cheating. Do you care more about winning then about the game and, well, other human beings.