Leo Ruby for Southwest Congress!!!

Day 487, 05:47 Published in United Kingdom Czech Republic by Leo Ruby

BAP Platform: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/britain-advances-bap-platform--757780/1/20
TUP Platform: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/the-unity-party-march-manifesto-759136/1/20

I am happy to announce that I will be running in the Southwest on The Unity Party/Britain's Advancement Party banner. Even though I am a relative newcomer to England, I am experienced in politics, and I have been a congressman before. But what would I do? Well, here is my platform:


I support taxation when neccessary. I know that many of you shiver from any form of taxation (I once ran against someone who's platform was to lower all taxes, and thwart any attempts at raising them. He won-only in the U.S.), but it is neccessary to fund our government. You don't want taxes? Then you can say goodbye to the NHS.

Increase Forum Activity

Well, this is on most every congressional candidates list, but it is important. The forum is more important in the U.K. than in any other nation; almost every single important event takes place on the forum. To this extent, I propose we continue the regional wars as a way of getting people active on them, as well as perhaps holding contests. In addition to this, I will be posting the forum link at the top of every article I write, and I encourage you all to do the same; when I first moved here, I didn't join because I had no idea where it was.

National Health Service

I agree with the policy of the TUP, and will stand by it. Lower level players should be gifted earlier, then higher level players, and it should be done through direct PMing. I also support the NHS proposing public budgets, so we can all be sure what is going on. The NHS is a gift in itself, and I tried repeatedly in the U.S. to create a state-health service, to no avail.


I promise to be 100% transparent in politics, and I will inform YOU of every thing I vote or propose, and tell you why I did so. Congress can be confusing, and this will help clear up a lot of things, as well as show you that I am actually doing what I say I do.


It's true, many times I called for the U.S. to leave ATLANTIS. But that was a long time ago; I saw ATLANTIS is useless, outmoded, and unwilling to carry out it's own rules. But that is not true. Many ATLANTIS nations are dedicated and DO follow the rules of the treaty. That said, the U.K. needs to be a assertive as possible in the treaty. We must be sure all rules are followed, and that we do not "sink" to the level of our "enemies" PEACE.

Foreign Policy

I support a foreign policy based on diplomacy first, fists second. We need to discuss things before any invasions are called, because while it may be fun to fight, it's not that fun to be invaded, and we could find ourselves on the other side of the barrel. I also agree with the Unity Party on their Trust Scheme (TS) idea (an international league of