Legionar - The might of Poland (part one)

Day 935, 11:18 Published in Poland Serbia by Dimitrij lvanov


The largest nation of New World has a very strong, well equiped and highly organized armed forces capable of fast deployment and strong enough to destroy a very high wall in a matter of minutes. Its army has several very strong units but the main force behind the scene is her various paramilitary units. Those paramilitary units are almost completely in accordance with the government and some of them even became the part of official armed forces. This is the beginning of series of articles where we’ll try to show you their organization and their „Modus Operandi“. Well tell us already! Who are they? I’ll tell you. They are....



POW (Polska Organizacja Wojskowa) was formed on 17th of June, 2009. Poland was in it's first post baby-boom period, and Polish children were dying out of boredom. So the first leader of POW Gondziowski decided to bring to life a military organization. After a rocky start, POW quite quickly established its position amongst army units and soon became one of five most organized units in Poland. After establishment of Wojska Polskiego in November of 2009. part of the unit transfered to WP but still maintained integrity and independence of the unit.

Today POW has 51 soldiers and is divided in two squads. One of them POW WP is part of official army and simple POW is independent. Out of 51 soldiers 33 are fieldmarshals, 15 are generals, 2 are colomels and 1 is captain. CO of the unit is matishere, and XO is Falka1990. The rest of officers in commanding structure are: Ariakis, Zefiriasz, Przemek Sliwa, Volterius and Animator47. Unit is in posession of several companies which are main source of financing. POW WP (part of POW in the service of WP) has at least 4 companies: Q5, Q3 and Q1 weapon, and Q3 iron company. POW is currently in process of developing an efficient system of companies which will give them similar conditions as in POW WP.

Most of the time POW is fighting accordingly to MoD orders, but ocasionally they organise some freakish action abroad, when they are bored and want a bit of fun. Example is uprising in Haifa, when they organised an action of a few Polish, Croatian and Greek units, which resulted in winning a drain battle. POW inflicts approximately 80.000 DMG point (5 fights with Q5 weapon) and as means of communication they mainly use IRC channel, but they also have forum, for important things that should not be forgotten, blip (polish something, a little similiar to twitter, but not really), and a !! which allows them to see POW orders inside eRepublik interface. It is interesting to know that POW currently has two presidents. President of Poland Ariakis and president of Peru Requel.

Moto of the unit is: Zesraj się a nie daj się! or Crap yourself, but don't give up!


The Navy (Marynarka Wojenna) was formed just after battle for North of Brazil between Peru and Brazil. Newly formed unit took the name Formoza and the founders were Vidarx and Bulfrog. Formoza has been developing rapidly, and after 1 month became unit with approximately 50 members aboard. On 22nd of April 2010. Formoza became a fighting force with more than 100 soldiers and went through reorganization taking a new name – The Navy.

Today MW has 103 soldiers divided into 4 fleets + HQ with 4 members. There are 13 fieldmarshals, 61 general, 28 colonels and a captain. HQ members are: Vidarx, Bulfrog,
dEffektDziada and avenublanin. Fleets are divided according to skill and strenght:
1. fleet – manu / strength 11+ / CO dEffektDziada, and XO is anwa20.
2. fleet – land, const / strength 11+ / CO avenublanin, and XO Legiunia
3. fleet – manu / strength -11 / CO pepeeit, and XO Mr.Die
4. fleet – land, const / strength -11 / CO Dude.PL.

The Navy has an open recruitment type which means that they are always recruiting and ready to receive new soldiers. Only condition for joining is strength level 10+. Members of the unit can work in one of units factories. MW has Q5, Q3 and 2xQ1 weapon companies, and also Q3 wood, Q3 food and Q4 house company. These companies give MW financial stability and independence. Government do not finance The Navy on a regular basis but having in mind that The Navy can inflict 100.000 DMG points without tanking, MoD shares some of military budget with this unit during large scale battles.

Coordination between fleets is maintained by four types of communication: 1. IRC channel, 2. Forum of the unit, 3. private IG messages and 4. different types of internet communicators (msn, skype, etc.). The Navy / Formoza was invaluable part of many Polish operations in Rhone Alps, Heilongjiang and Liaoning.

Formoza, Liaoning 11.05.2010.

Moto of the unit is: Heavy drinking, deep diving.


PPA was formed in late May of 2009. at the time when Poland started its rise. Those early days are somewhat lost and forgotten but what is known is that the founders were dawi62 and Rev.pl, which stabilized the unit and started its development. After Rev.pl unit had series of commanders who lead the unit with more or less success. Some of them were SiMet and kordzio1, and in January of 2010. unit came under command of tooros.

In January of 2010. Military Academy was formed within the unit and many young players from baby boom became members of Academy and PPA. With the Academy a steady progress in number of members was made and soon PPA had about 75 soldiers in its ranks. It was inevitable that the large number of soldiers would lower overall activity of the unit and PPA was reorganized.

Today PPA has 45 soldiers of whom 17 are fieldmarshals and the resta are generals. Commanding Officer is toorosa and the rest of HQ is cherek, deil i micks90. Most of the units soldiers have Slovakian citizenship and are actively involved in ATO of Slovakia. PPA has several companies in Poland and Spain. They have 2xQ3 weapon and Q3 food companies in Poland and Q4 weapon, Q3 and Q2 iron in Spain. Members of the unit work in those companies and prepare weapon stocks for future battles. The other companies are used for financing of the unit. During major operations PPA receives a payment from MoD.

During their actions, members of PPA use Forum and IRC channel for communication. PPA has an open recruitment type and is allways looking for active soldiers. Only condition for joining is strength level 10+ but make no mistake, if you are not active enough you will be asked to leave. With its current manpower unit is capable of inflicting 60.000 DMG points.