Leblanc May 2011 - Ready To Fight, Ready To Defend

Day 1,259, 09:49 Published in Canada Canada by Kazuo Leblanc

My name is Kazuo Leblanc and as your next Prime Minister I am ready to advance Canada's place in the New World.

In short, my foreign policy and military policy will be about enhancing our position in our alliances, renewing our commitment to our allies, and preparing Canada for invasion. As a voter, you deserve to know what that means, and you should reject anyone that says, "Just trust me, I know better than you." So what do I mean?

I plan to raise the profile of Canada in the Terra alliance by working to elect a Canadian into Terra's leadership. The UK proved one thing while they were heading Phoenix - it doesn't matter your size, so long as you're in charge. Our many invasions of the United Kingdom were foiled by the united defense of Phoenix, which I postulate would not have happened if a Briton was not Supreme Commander. By having a Canadian in a decision-making role, Terra will be more likely to respond to our needs and listen when we make strategic requests, and I'm surprised my opponents didn't think of this sooner.

I also plan to increase funding to the CAF to create a new program - the Ready Canada weapons and food stockpile. Our tanks are not strong enough themselves to stop an invasion from ONE - but put you, and me, and him, and each and every other Canadian on the battlefield and we have a fighting chance. In case of national invasion, Canada will be prepared to issue you a high quality weapon and high quality food so that you can contribute to the defense of our country, whether you're a civilian, soldier, or a douchetard. Each and every single Canadian, whether level 4, 14, 40, or anywhere in between, can and should be considered in the defense of our country, and I won't count anyone out for that.

I will also renew our commitment to EDEN and take a more interventionist policy towards EDEN conflicts in Europe. As a member of the alliance, we can and are obligated to take military action in order to defend any fellow member, such as the current Greco-Turkish war. Now, that doesn't have to be a boring old "join this battle" kind of contribution, and that kind of thinking is what separates me and my opponents. We can make a different kind of contribution, for example in the Greco-Turkish war, by driving straight through Russia and China and attacking the other half of Turkey. Or we could drive through the UK and Scandinavia. The point is, for far too long Canada has been limited militarily due to our position mostly landlocked by the United States, a position that has changed due to gaining Alaska in a land swap. It is to our strategic and recreational advantage to expoit this.

In short, I am the only candidate that is ready to lead Canada into a prominent position in the New World, to defend that position, and to include you in that defense. And you're going to have a blast being a part of that.

My name is Kazuo Leblanc. Vote for me for Prime Minister on May 5th.