Leblanc May 2011 - Ready to Educate

Day 1,260, 14:26 Published in Canada Canada by Kazuo Leblanc

My name is Kazuo Leblanc, and as your next Prime Minister I am ready to help support our new players through the introduction of L'école Leblanc.

One thing that I have noticed from my time campaigning across Canada is that there is a startlingly low youth population in Canada. I'm not talking about youth that are active - I'm talking youth period. As a member of the post-war generation, our numbers are very, very small indeed, and I attribute that to the continued disinvestment in education in Canada.

My classic proposal of a secondary school to educate our new players will change that. In the welcome message, new players and new citizens will be directed to enroll for the next session of school. Class sessions will be quick in order to maintain momentum, and meaningful, to improve retention and participation. Homework will be meaningful and measurable, with assignments like "Find a newspaper article you particularly like and respond with a comment, then forward the link back to your teacher" or "Ask a Party President a policy question, then send that answer back to your teacher." Topics to be covered could include game mechanics, an introduction to Canadian politics, an introduction to the economy, and an overview of Canadian history and culture.

Detractors of this idea say that it's not necessary, because people will figure it out eventually. There is a nugget of truth to this - people will figure out that in a game that relies on groups, most people aren't apt to welcome you aboard, and why should anyone stick around for that environment? We are in a vastly different New World than we were in V1, or even Beta - and we need to change our way of approaching this issue from a Beta mindset.

This will provide an economic boost, as an integral lesson will be about why it is important to log in every day and to work every day at high health. This will provide a social boost as new players will build an instant group of friends that are more likely to keep each other engaged and stick around in Canada. Keeping new people hooked will help boost our military strength - for those who complain about not being able to compete militarily against Serbia, imagine if every new player who had joined in 2010 was still here.

With this proposal, I am the only candidate that is ready to tackle the issue of new player retention and for that I ask for your support.

My name is Kazuo Leblanc. Vote for me for Prime Minister on May 5th.