Leblanc May 2011 - Ready to Celebrate

Day 1,262, 22:45 Published in Canada Canada by Kazuo Leblanc

My fellow Canadians - raise your glass. After hours upon hours of hard work, after 967 PMs, after conversation after conversation with voters across Canada, it may be a little premature but I feel cautiously confident. We did it!

Today, Canadians rejected conventional wisdom and demanded bold action to take their rightful place in the New World. Today, Canadians turned away from what's safe, what's known, what's predictable, and asked for what's ballsy, what's adventurous, and what's exciting. Today, Canadians rejected politicians who spoke about fear, stagnation, and self, and demanded Canadian politics talk again about hope, growth, and community.

I must thank my supporters, for without their steadfast backing when even I held doubt, I would not be here today. To Dominik, to Artorius Perim and the Democratic Action League, to my allies in the Union Nationale and EPIC, to Kilgore Trout 89, to Derakor, to TemujinBC, to my supporters who've followed me since my very first run, to the new voices I connected with this campaign such as Ethel Rosenberg (friend her now), I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You withstood unbridled criticism for daring to join my vision, and it means more to me than I think you'll ever know.

I don't know whether to thank Jacobi or despise him, for his unrelenting hard work at defending our national interests, working to continue our country's growth, and creating very, very big shoes for me to fill. He is certainly a tough act to follow, and I can't help but be humbled by that. I ask all Canadians to join me in sending our national gratitude and our thanks to the man that literally put our country back on the map. I will not let you down, Mr. Prime Minister.

Thank you also to my opponents for a spirited campaign, if not vitriolic at times. Elections are only entertaining and meaningful when there is true competition, and that certainly describes tonight's election results. Cypher Rahl, you made a formidable opponent and I truly hope this is not the last Canada sees of you. You deserved much more than you got.

Those of you, who like me have been following the returns almost manically for over 12 hours now, may have noticed that I have won with the second closest margin of victory in the history of Canada, surpassed only by the 5 vote margin that separated jbdivinus from Chamrajnagar in February of 2009. With this in mind, I do pledge to you to temper my idealism and drive, and work across the aisle so far as it is willing to return the favor.

I will not shrink away from my opponents' ridiculous misrepresentations and baseless attacks, though. I urge Parliament to read the results of this election carefully. Many other things have been said today, but today Canadian voters responded to my message of change and adventure and I trust that members of this august body will join the correct side of history and work to improve my plans rather than blindly oppose them.

Thank you all again. We have a lot of work as a nation ahead of us.