Law proposals day 1024

Day 1,024, 08:57 Published in South Africa South Africa by montorg

Dear Citizens!

I wish to inform you about today's new law proposals:

1. Donation law
We are saving money for a second MPP, hopefully granting us more fights and less boredom.
Please vote: YES

2. Taxation law
Since stone prices are increasing worldwide (mainly due to increased demand for Hospitals and DS), as an outcome the prices of houses may also increase. Thus the Government expects to make some minor additional taxation revenue of Houses, while an increase of 3% will hopefully not ruin neither the seller nor the buyer.
Please vote: YES

3. Free XP-s
-New citizen message will be done in Afrikaans language and in the Debate Area you can listen a song in Afrikaans language.
-The lucky winner for the embargo proposal is the Philippines
-Buy constructions: Same story as yesterday - DS in Limpopo for 1000 ZAR, area hexa 1805.
Please vote NO for each of them, as usual!

Economical Feedback:
Prices of food are decreasing nicely to where I wanted to see it. Still we need to work on the issue, since from 8 hours of work it would be hard to cover the costs of everyday living.

Monetary market:
We are short of Gold and exchanging ZAR vs Gold would spoil the currency rate. Nobody wants this to happen. Should You need Gold, please first check whether do you have other currencies at hand and get rid of those first!

Political feedback:
I am happy to announce, that the Slovenian Day made us many friends in Slovenia. Please vote Blaz Gutman's article!

Labour market:
Until admins will really introduce the "standard worker" we are short of Producers and Marketing guys. Should you have such skills, please leave a comment or send me a PM!

Productivity issues
Since we are still short of labour force, I kindly ask everybody to work with high wellness and high happiness, and for as many hours as possible. This way we can compensate the lack of people with higher productivity. I also recommend the company owners to award the best workers with some symbolic premium. I will try to arrange a deal to import food with high content of happiness, thus you do not need to spend too much time in the Residential. The time gained here (and on learning, which became sort of useless) may be spent on working and training.

President of eSouth Africa