Launch of New World Capital Bank!

Day 510, 12:53 Published in Canada Canada by New World Capital

Deposit & Savings Account status: CLOSED
Borrowing & Lending status: CLOSED


I am proud to announce today is the day that we launch New World Capital Bank ("NWC Bank")! After a month of working out the details, we now present eCanadians and the eCitizens of the world the opportunity to not only earn a financial return on their investments, but to also help make eCanada (and the eWorld) a better place, by helping stimulate economic growth.

As some of you already know, New World Capital was launched with the intent of being eCanada's premier investment firm. We believe that with the launch of NWC Bank, we are taking the necessary steps to reach our goal.

Further details on the banking operations are below:

NWC Bank will be operated using a conventional banking system. Deposit/Savings accounts will be available, along with short-term debt financing.

Savings accounts:
These will be available to certain eCitizens to earn a safe and steady income on their money. These will offer a higher interest rate than the Deposit accounts, however, there will be a lock-up period of 4 weeks with the option of extension. During the lock-up period, no money can be withdrawn.
4% interest per week with the option of either re-investment or direct payment
Interest is accrued daily, and paid to account owner every Saturday
Available for account sizes of 5 - 80 GOLD

Deposit accounts:
These will be available to certain eCitizens to earn a safe and steady income on their money, while still having the ability to withdraw relatively faster. All gold is locked up for 2 weeks.
2.5% interest per week with the option of either re-investment or direct payment
Interest is accrued daily, and paid to account owner every Saturday
Available for account sizes of 5 - 20 GOLD

Borrowings & Loans:
These will be available to certain eCitizens who would like to either finance a new business, an existing business, home mortgage, or any other venture. Business plans will be reviewed. We do not guarantee loans will be issued.
X% interest of balance of loan per week, the interest rate will be determined on a case-by-case basis
Interest is accrued daily, and paid to NWC Bank every Saturday
Principal can be paid down over the life of the loan, this is at the borrower's discretion
All principal must be repaid at the end of the agreed upon length.

Rules & Regulations:
-GOLD is the only currency NWC Bank will do transactions with
-Account holders may withdraw GOLD with prior notice and approval through an in-game PM; larger deposits will require lead time
-Your account may be closed at anytime; deposits along with accrued interest will be returned
-If a loan is not paid back within the given 6 weeks, all legal action will be taken by NWC Bank to recover all or some of the principal, along with accrued interest
-Loans can be repaid earlier if the borrower wishes to do so
-All interest is accrued daily
-The choice of compound or simple interest for deposit/savings accounts is up to the client
-The Rules & Regulations may be removed, relaxed, or changed for certain clients

To open an account/Get a loan:
Please send New World Capital a detailed in-game PM about your financial needs. We will be sure to get back to you as soon as possible.

I sincerely look forward to doing business with every single one of you.'>
Bank Reviews!

Thank you,
New World Capital
