Last night we failed as a country

Day 584, 12:29 Published in USA USA by Tom McDougal

I took some time for quiet reflection today and thought about what is happening to the eUSA. Last night was a perfect example of what is wrong in the country and what is still going wrong in this country. Last night the eUSA failed. Every party, every person, and even me, we all failed. We made the mistake of thinking our petty squabbles were more important then helping our allies. We need to create a system where we no longer cry USWP, LIBS, BUTTHOLE HATER TROLLS or PEACE when ever something goes wrong and instead we talk about how it went wrong and what we can do to fix it. Last night what went wrong was the election. Everyone involved was more interested in sniping each other and screwing over their “enemies “ aka anyone not in their party to help our friends in Peru , and Croatia. Sure you can argue that we saved Greece but the PTO there was only an attempt to distract us, and we fell for it hook line and sinker. Parties in this country would rather elect people with no grasp on then game in their own party then well respected and well known candidates from other parties this inflicts immeasurable damage to us as a country. What do I propose to do about this problem you ask ? Well I have a few solutions.

I know we have a few people looking into the feasibility of combining political parties to prevent PTOs but no one has tried to sit the parties at a table to talk about it. We will never see if it can be done till we sit down and talk together about it. So I propose we start a cross party congressional ethics committee which can do as little as define what is ethical behavior during congressional elections, or at the most actually combine all the major parties to stop any PTO in the eUS and more importantly in my mind stop all the flaming and pointless bickering that is taking away from the real arguments in the press and on the forums.

We could all grow up and stop acting like children. This is the idea I have been preaching but it’s almost impossible to practice since as long as there are one or two people slinging mud and insults its hard for anyone to rise above it. We all need to actually actively try to act like adults if this is going to work.

The simple fact is these ideas won’t work unless people put aside their differences and look at our problems objectively I just hope we haven’t reached the point where people find themselves unable to do that.