last monday as president ...

Day 587, 21:24 Published in USA USA by scrabman

Well, today was my last Monday as the eUSA President. It was a strange feeling to think that my time is winding down. I went to both lunch and dinner with Hokiehigh today as we talked about the last 3.5 months of my office ... we also sent some funny messages to Harrison Richardson while goofing around. 😉

I've been a politician in this place for the last 7 of my 9 months of being part of eRep. It's going to be strange not seeing proposals show up in my alert box and not being able to see when Congressmen resign (as 2 did today). I've been voting on things since November and also unable to leave the country due to the restriction on Congressmen (4 terms), Party Presidents (2 terms), and Country Presidents (3.5 terms).

In a way it will be exciting as something new and different ... but it will be a little sad too. A lot of people have asked me what I will do when I'm no longer a politician and the only answer that I can come up with so far is "I'm taking a vacation" and I will ... I'll be going to the beach and trying not to think much about eRep for a little while. When I come back ... who knows?

I'll be looking forward to watching as new people take up the charge and run with it, hopefully for the betterment of the nation. I'll find somewhere to fit in and already have some ideas. I'm excited to see what develops and will be hoping to see Harrison Richardson take the big chair next. He's worked very hard in my administration and would be a great pick.

P.S. I had a great time working with so many great world leaders as well as our own great American leaders. Thank you to all of you ... you know who you are.