Land of Lincoln

Day 883, 08:02 Published in USA USA by Kyle Galli

Hello Fellow Citizens!

Today I am announcing my intentions to run for congress in the Great State of Illinois! But why am I doing this? In my last few runs for congress, I have stated that I would be an independent voice representing the interests of my party and country. And to be quiet frank, those ideals still run fresh in my veins.

Now with this run, I also have a lot of experience for my run:
-4 Term Party President of the Democratic Party.
-1 Term Party Vice President of the Democratic Party.
-1 Term Secretary of Elections of the UIP.

So now here is a short list of the promises that I have during this election:
-I will not vote for a decrease or increase of any taxes.
-I will not vote for any impeachment.
-I will support moral wars, not wars of greed.
-I support the current programs in government, but I do not support creating any new ones.
-I support the retention of Karnataka.
-I support putting Q2 hospitals in medium population states.
-I supported the US being in EDEN, but now that we are not, I support us having peaceful relations with that alliance.
-I shall represent the GREEN PARTY to the best of my ability.

So here are my promises, granted this is a very short platform to run on, but please do take it at face value. If you need to look more into my views, please have a look at my many platforms, they have not changed much so here are the links:

Thank you for your time and support!
Kyle Galli
Former Party President of the Democratic Party (4 terms)
Former Party Vice President of the Democratic Party (1 term)
Former Secretary of Elections of the UIP (1 term)