Kyle Galli for ARIZONA!

Day 823, 16:39 Published in USA USA by Kyle Galli

Hello Fellow eCitizens,

Today, I am announcing that I will be running for the SIXTH time for Congress in the great state of ARIZONA! This is going to be an uphill battle, that much is known, but with your support, the citizens, I know that we can make it to the top. I am a Member of the AAP but that doesn't mean that I will not be an independent-minded Senator; on the contrary, I will cast my votes based on how I think they will affect my constituents and the country as a whole.

Now I'd like to shed a little light on my career to those that don't really know me. I started out my eLife in the Democratic Party (I'm a Democrat in Real Life so I thought 'why not join the democratic party online?'). And from there I moved up in position serving 2 terms as the Party President of the Democratic Party, 1 term as the Vice President of the Democratic Party, and one term as the Democratic Party President's Chief of Staff. But I was also on the ballot, in September, for the presidency. It was unexpected, but I garnered 92 votes, placing third.

Below are my stances on many issues that are affecting the eUSA, I trust that many of you will agree with these policies.

Taxes play a large role in the governing of our eCountry, and when I look at the economic structure of the Country, I say "Why change them?" Right now we are able to fund many programs for the country, such as Meals on Wheels and the Department of Fun, while also being able to fund our Military. Obviously the current structure is working for us, and so I pledge to not vote for any tax increases or decreases unless they are endorsed by either the Economic Council, or the President of the eUSA.

Government Transparency is essential to running any Country whether in RL or one erpeublik. It is my belief that the citizens of this country need to know exactly what is going on in the Congress and what their Congressman is doing to represent them. It's your country, why should you be kept away from the vitally important information? Because of that, if I am given the opportunity to represent you in Congress, I promise to post all of my voting records via my Newspaper, the Galli Review, on every Sunday (Providing they are not classified votes) with detailed reasoning behind every vote.

Foreign Policy
I'll start this section by stating that I am a strong supporter of EDEN allies. I was a strong supporter of the USA joining EDEN when it was being considered, and I am STILL a strong supporter of our EDEN alliance. The way that I look at it is that without EDEN, we would not be unified, we would not be helping the people of Asia, we would not be closing a war in the eUK, we would have 2 regions, maybe one, have a failing economy, and be a unrespected country. But with the help of EDEN the United States has grown STRONG again and we can now actually give people the independence that we all enjoy every day. And so I am going to support re-opening the war in Asia.

I am a staunch supporter of the Military. I WILL support the current funding, and potentially more funding of our military forces. Without these brave men and women we would not be helping the people of asia, or waging war in the eUK. Needless to say, they need funding and they deserve it.

I'd like to speak about the current Military operation in Asia and Europe. I support the war in ASIA. The war in Asia was started to help free the people of China, yet when we got a high iron region the drive to help those people stopped, and I think that we should re-open that war in asia to ensure that no country is within the grasp of Indonesia or Russia.

Right now we have some great programs running in this country. At the top of the list we have: the Meals on Wheels, the Welcoming Committee, the Department of Education, the Technology Department, the Department of Fun, and we have the Mentor Program. All of these programs are GREAT and really help get new members of this world to have fun and actually STAY. These people could end up becoming Senators, or Party Presidents, or Country Presidents, they just need that first sign of acknowledgment to stay. That is why I support them fully, and will vote to keep their funding at the level it is currently at.

With the recent creation of the fortress state of Karnataka, I feel that we have more then enough Q5 states until the population starts to grow again. If that does occur, I support the creation of a fortress state in either Tennessee or Arizona. These states pop out to me because of their natural resource values; Pennsylvania and Tennessee are both a high wood region. With this resource being in Q5 Hospital states, wood would then be secured; this would provide jobs for every type of resource in a state with Q5 Hospital/Defense System, essentially protecting our economy. Either one of these states could be crucial if the eUSA were ever invaded again. But unless the population grows to where we can actually afford to put up a Q5 Hospital, I will not vote for another Q5 hospital in the eUSA.

About a month ago, there was a debate about putting Q2 hospitals in around the country. And someone asked me my stance on this, so I would like to set it clear, even if this is a somewhat dead issue. Right now I support a systematic approach to the hospitals. I think that we should put two Q2 hosptials per month or even by-monthly into the states based on population. That way we can see if they benefit us and give these populus states access to a hospital. This may stur up some feathers and I accept that, but I feel that this is the best way to retain citizens and expand our countries health.

Now as I close, I ask that you all vote for me on election in Arizona! I am a member of the America's Advancement Party, but I am also an independent thinker, and an Independent thinker is what Congress needs right now. I'm not well known, except to those members that elected me to the Party Presidency in the Democratic Party, so I guess you could call me an outsider. So please consider voting for me,

Thank you,
Kyle Galli
Arizona Congressional Candidate (AAP)
Former Democratic Party President (2 Terms)
Former Democratic Party Vice President (1 Term)
Former Chief of Staff to the Democratic Party President (1 term)
Former Secretary of Elections (1 Term) (UIP)
