Kordak 4 President: The Ideas

Day 2,231, 05:45 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Kordak

Dear citizens of the Netherlands,

It has been a long time since my last try as President of the Netherlands. I have done that 2 times in the past; one of them was a serious try of me. At that time many people said they were afraid I wouldn’t have enough experience for the job and maybe they were right at the time. Zeeuwsmeisje won from me and that month she did a good job by having an active term. After that defeat I did not sit down and relax, no I actually had many political jobs in the Netherlands including:

2X MoFA and 1X SSoFA
3X Congressmen (5X forum) and 1* Deputy Chairman of the Congress
2X Ambassador to the UK
6X Party President
King of the United Netherlands

Visit my profile page for more


Last months I became political neutral when I started as King, it was my goal to bring the community closer with some role playing and I already saw some funny articles. Also I tried to do my best to help new players with money, food and weapons.

This is the same way I want to rule the country if I become President: Neutral. That doesn’t mean I won’t take any decisions or action. I want as many people from different parties in my government; I would like to mix old experienced people with new ones so they get ready for the future and also give some new promising politicians the chance to prove themselves for real this time.


Some people asked me if I was active enough for being President, I can only say one thing: Yes I am! Most people do not notice, but I am almost always online and often on IRC chat available. Last months I might have had some problems with my computer, but that is already long fixed. This month I will have more than enough time for my job as President and will take this very serious. Together with my team I will try to bring something refreshing in the country and its politics.

My plans

So if you did not yet fell asleep because of that boring story above, I will now finally start about my program itself. 😉

It is my plan to divide ministries different this month and give them some new tasks to improve the live of our citizens. I will talk a bit about every ministry and what the basic plans are for my term. The core of my program is to improve our community this month, since we secured some regions. We do not have to fight a outside enemy now, but have to fight for a better future inside together!

Minister of Foreign Affairs (MoFA)

MoFA will focus this month on maintaining relations with nations we have a good bound with. There are coming new alliances and that might change things, but there are some nations we have such a long history with, that we cannot ignore them. Also I want the MoFA to watch closely the developments on those new alliances and which one will be a treat or opportunity for us.

The MoFA will have 2 State Secretaries this month to help and support him/her.

Minister of Health (MoH)

The MoH is a totally new ministry this month in the Netherlands. It is an existing ministry in the United Kingdom and it inspired me to start the Dutch Food Bank. I was happy to do this charity myself, but I always believed it was the task of the government to make sure it citizens have enough food for themselves. The Minister of Health will supply citizens weekly by request so only the active people will get it. Citizens up to lvl 30 will be able to request there food and the MoH will give it to them within a day.

The MoH will not have State Secretaries, since I believe someone should be easily able to manage it alone.

Minister of Defence (MoD)

The Minister of Defence will continue with setting up the orders for all military units in the Netherlands. For this they will continue using a mass PM to all commanders. Also the MoD will work together this month closely with our MoFA. I want to have an ally of the week, a country that is a close ally of us for a long time we will fight for or have a combined strike with. MoFA will publish some articles about the country and the culture and MoD will prepare the strike together with the MoD of the country in question.

The MoD will have 2 State Secretaries this month to help and support him/her.

Minister of Coaching and Recruitment (MoCR)

The Minister of Coaching and Recruitment will update this month the coaching articles which were made in the past by Coaching. Also there should be new articles made with a quick overview for new players. Another thing to return is the master classes on IRC where new players could ask there questions to a professional.

Something different is the part of Recruitment, getting new players in eRepublik. MoCR should try this month hard to advertise and attract people on the internet to help eNL. Also MoCR should prepare a plan for the RL meeting where we could possible advertise a bit and attract some people to join our cause!

The MoCR wil have 1 State Secretary to help and support him/her.

Minister of Finances (MoF)

Finances will focus this month on getting the finances of our country on the right track and refill our emergency funds. To help this a bit I will of course myself donate the full 5 Gold of the CP medal to the state. Also I want to get a clearer view of finances for the common people. Transparency is something really important for the people and the government should stop walking away from this responsibility.

The MoF will have 1 State Secretary to get trained, help and support him/her.

Minister of Home Affairs (MoHA)

It is the task of the MoHA and DIAS together to make sure people who want citizenship are safe to let in, to prevent a PTO. Also MoHA would be one of the most important positions this month, because the core of my Presidency is having fun and work on our community. I want some contests and fun articles published by our MoHA.

The MoHA will have 2 State Secretaries to help and support him/her.

Last words

So this comes to the end of my presentation of ideas. I hope you enjoyed reading them and got a clearer view of what I stand for this month. There will come two more articles, one with my cabinet and one on the voting day. I am still looking for people in my team, so if you feel like you want to try a position send me a personal message!

Also I want to wish Trannsvaal good luck with the elections and hope this will be a fair race!

Long live the Kingdom!
King Kordak

More Articles will come:

► The Ideas (Day 2231)
► The Cabinet (Day 2233)
► Voting Day (Day 2237)