Know Your Military - Part Six

Day 1,037, 16:09 Published in USA USA by Angelini

A couple editions back, during our coverage of the Army, we learned that at one point in the Army’s history, it was for all intents and purposes, a defunct branch. This left a vacuum in the place where mid to higher level strength players needed to be. Acting on the advice of than Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Eugene Harlot and JCS Advisor Lucius Varenus, Leroy Combs set out to create a new branch to give the soldiers in limbo a home. When the Army found it’s feet again, this new branch took it’s place as a home for citizens with a strength higher than required by the Army. In the year since it’s inception, the eWorld has come to fear the...


Commanding Officer: General Channing
Executive Officer: Lieutenant General Squall90
Level - Veteran in one military skill or Nemesis in at least two military skills
Rank - Field Marshal
Activity - Must be highly active, able to check for orders multiple times a day. IRC is mandatory.
Enlistment: Airborne Application

The Airborne has become one of the proudest branches of the eUS Military in the year since it was created, and not without merit. Hitting the ground running, the Airborne can safely be considered an elite branch, deploying on a moment’s notice and trusted with holding or obtaining critical objectives. This attitude of pursuing near perfection is ingrained in the very process by which the Airborne works. While it is not mandatory, every soldier is highly encouraged to work at an Airborne operated company. The benefits are numerous, and apparent. Soldiers are guaranteed a quick firing from their jobs when they need to move on a moment’s notice and through work, they are eligible to receive weapons for battle.

Prospective officers must be of the highest caliber. High activity on IRC and a willingness to go the extra mile are desired traits. Doing more than what is asked is always a good thing when considering becoming an officer.

Policy regarding politics: The Airborne is the strictest branch in the eUS concerning politics. Being a member of the AB requires total commitment. Soldiers are not allowed to be in a party, hold government office, nor run for congress. Doing so will result in a discharge from the Airborne.

Interview with a member of the AB

Lieutenant AmyHat is the Commanding Officer of the 82/3, the 3rd platoon of the 82nd Division. She was kind enough to answer my questions.

1. How long ago did you join the AB, and how did you get there (direct application, transfer)?

I joined shortly after V2, so 2 months now. I applied, but it was a transfer from TC (Training Corps).

2. What's your favorite part about being a platoon CO? Do you have aspirations to go higher?

I guess I enjoy running a platoon and just being a leader. If I'm needed I'll do whatever the AB needs and go as high as I'm needed and/or wanted.

3. How would you rate how often and efficiently you are supplied?

If I'm ever without supplies it's my own fault. I usually am supplied within minutes of requesting what I need.

4. Do you have a favorite battle that sticks out in your mind as memorable?

FER was pretty fun 🙂

5. How do you feel about the "Absolutely No politics" rule?

I can't stand politics for the most part so I love the rule. I'm spammed with PMs, ads, and articles as it is, so being able to have a place to go without it is nice.

6. Do you have any words of advice for someone interested in joining the AB, or on the flip side of that, someone who is hesitant in considering joining the AB?

I really don't know why anyone wouldn't want to join. It's a great group of people who care about the eUS and fighting for her. 90% of the conversation in AB is about wars and where we are fighting and the such. Anyone interested, just keep training! We'll be here when you're ready 🙂

7. Is there anything you would like to add?

We have BBQ >.>

This concludes part six of the “Know Your Military” series. A huge thank you to both Lieutenant Amyhat for the interview and Colonel deerslayer77 for taking time to go over the AB practices and policies with me.

Stay tuned for our final installment covering the Marines.