Know Indonesia Quiz 5....Play and Win

Day 764, 04:27 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by ostin

The Know Indonesia Quiz is back and this is part 4

This is the last Quiz

Simple i will ask 3 questions

The person who answers it correctly will win a prize.
I will select the winner

BUT FIRST SUBSCRIBE AND VOTE and comment whether you enjoyed this or not.


1. 17,508 islands (6,000 inhabited)
2. Indonesia is the home of the world's largest lizard.
3. Papua

Winners of Know Indonesia Quiz 4:

Nona Indonesia



Check your inventory for prize


1. In Bali people have only four names (named after the order of their birth). What are these four names?
A) Irbel, Henri, Gema, Wening
😎 Sukarno, Batak, Johan, Halim
C) Abdul, Wulandari, Ratna, Erlin
D) Wayan, Made, Nyoman, and Ketut

2) How was Indonesia known before independence?
a) British Honduras
b) Dutch East Indies
c) French Polynesia
d) Spanish Sahara

3) Which is the national airline of Indonesia?
a) Garuda
b) Sabena
c) PIA
d) KAL


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