Know Indonesia Quiz 3....Play and Win

Day 757, 22:48 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by ostin

This is Quiz 3 out of 5

Simple i will ask 3 questions

The person who answers it correctly will win a prize.
I will select the winner

BUT FIRST SUBSCRIBE AND VOTE and comment whether you enjoyed this or not.

Winners of Know Indonesia Quiz 2


Bob Sozin

Check your inventory for prize


1. How many airports are there in Indonesia (2006)?
A) 55
😎 352
C) 662
D) 998

2. Which of the following is not an Indonesian sport?
A) Cricket
😎 Cockfighting
C) Stone jumping
D) Sepak takraw

3. Batik is a type of...?
A) Cloth
😎 Fruit
C) Animal
D) Music


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