Kiwi Power Rangers - Future cabinet [eNew Zealand]

Day 1,110, 14:34 Published in New Zealand Slovenia by Don KronoX

I have received a bunch of messages about my future cabinet if I get elected. So I have decided to publish it. These are my choices so far. I call them “My Kiwi Power Rangers!” I will add the rest when I finish my negotiations.

Country President: (CPNZ / PoNZ) Don KronoX (

Vice President: (vCP / vPoNZ) to be appointed by CPNZ
Vice President: (vCP / vPoNZ) reaktionaer (

Chief of Staff: (CoS) to be appointed by CPNZ

Minister of Finance: (MoF) DarkMantle (

Minister of Economy/Trade: (MoT) Kurojca (
Assistant: (aMoT) to be appointed by MoT

Minister of Education/Development/New citizens: (MoE) Daniel Dodge (
Assistant: (eMoE) to be appointed by MoE

Minister of Wiki: (MoW) Thomas765 (
Assistant🙁aMoW) (

Minister of Information/PR/Communications: (MoI) Welshlad (
Assistant: (eMoI) to be appointed by MoI

Minister of Foreign Affairs: (MoFA) deVillefort (
Assistant: (eMoFA) to be appointed by MoFA

Minister of Internal Affairs: (MoIA) to be appointed by CPNZ

Minister of Defense: (MoD) IvanMiletic (

Minister of Immigration: (MoIM) Jockaye (