kind advise to eAustralia

Day 973, 19:21 Published in Australia Malaysia by richi arditya

hi eAustralia
well honestly I am an eIndonesian
I am sad with the things going between both of the countries
eIndonesia - eAustralia

clearly now you are outsmarted, outnumbered, and outmatched.
no offense, it is the fact I learn..

I thought eIndonesia will be weak after v2 launched..
well the fact is active eIndo players in IRC only about 200
and the fans of erepublik Indonesia in Facebook only 2000
we can know the real players in there about 1000 right?

and you officially has 8000 players (but seeing the last battle i guess your real player not more than 1000 too)
multi usage!!! it happens i hate that but it is the reality..
and eIndo can manage multi better than you..
they outsmarted you..

the why I am talking about this.. I see it is pointless to you to continue fight(TO act, War)
why wouldn't you admit and offer an agreement?

I know eIndonesian very well..
originally they only asked one thing..
"dont get close to our opponent (eUSA, EDEN)"
because they think they had credit for your liberation, your Independence.
I dont know the real story in the past, but an old man told me that Australia was the part of eIndonesia and we gave you freedom, but you turned your head from us, opposing eIndonesia.

so if you wanna make eIndonesian happy. this is my advise as a friend (fellow player).
1. offer some gold or a high region territories (since WA has taken, you can only give some gold).
2. left your alliance and be neutral (SOL) or even be PHX member.

sorry IF my story was false. it is one sided story. but i guess they eIndonesia are willing to be kind to you if you are stay away from eUSA