Keep Indos away - Vote for Widdows9000

Day 926, 12:23 Published in Australia Australia by Mister Koala

Australia is in real danger, as one of the parties has been taken over by group of Indonesians who will try their best to win the upcoming elections for CP.

Do not vote for SIR_CONSTANT this month, as ANP agreed to endorse the AMP candidate this month and the ANP Candidate will be endorsed by the AMP next month.

Here's the original article (ANP)
Here's the original article (AMP)

Australian parties agreed to endorse Widdows9000 in order to prevent Indos from winning the elections.

Of course, there're some people talking about democracy as the most important thing and so on, but you have to understand that this time you have to choose whether you want to keep your 'democracy' and let Indonesians take over our country or support Australia and vote for Widdows9000.

There's already few articles telling you to vote for whoever you want, 90% of these articles are Indos propaganda and the other 10% are fools who don't know what's really going on.

VOTE SMART - VOTE Widdows9000

Most important thing - whatever you do - DO NOT VOTE FOR SANDYGEE, She's PTO Candidate