Kazawan, An Introduction || Kazawan,简介

Day 1,052, 12:02 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) USA by logan Dunleavy
Hello readers, first off I would like to thank your for reading The Daily Exclaimer and hope that you vote, subscribe and check out some of my other articles!

Welcome to Kazawan!

Today is a glorious day, for The Kazakh Republic of Taiwan or Kazawan for short has been implemented into the game. Now I would like to set the record straight. We Zammuelists and Kazakhs are NOT PTOers. In fact we would like to extend an open hand to those who say we are PTOers. We are here to make this eNation glorious and successful. We will fight to the death to defend Kazawan from any who invade.

Our glorious flag

We have already established ourselves in this, our homeland. Not only are we providing jobs for ourselves but we are also giving jobs to any who would like one. We represent the largest party in the nation and are open for any to join. So please do not call us PTOers, as we with to make this land better for everyone and don't come from one country but from all over the world. We want to work together to make this a better nation


今天是一个光荣的一天,台湾或Kazawan哈萨克斯坦共和国短,一直到游戏执行。现在我想以正视听。我们Zammuelists和哈萨克是 不[/ u] PTOers。事实上,我们谨以一个开放的手说,我们这些谁PTOers。我们来这里是为了使这个突起辉煌和成功。我们将誓死捍卫任何入侵Kazawan谁。

