Katrina's CP Campaign Reprint And Update!

Day 2,966, 08:39 Published in Australia Australia by Kattrrina

Hello Fellow Aussies

I Kattrrina am once again running for Country President/Dictator of Australia.
I am an experienced player who has been involved in government almost as long as I've been a citizen. I am currently the MoD of Aus as well as Nebula SC and know what our current state of affairs are.

My goals are as follows:

Foreign Affairs:

Our Nebulla allies are our first priorities and the MoFA will be tasked with keeping contact with them about any needs they may have and keeping them informed about anything happening in our nation.

They will also be tasked with tightening the bonds with our Asteria allies and keeping in touch with them about any of their needs and keeping them informed about any problems on our side.

We have very good relations with some nations in the Orion alliance who have stood by us besides Peru's attempts to break bonds. The MoFA team will be expected to keep close contact with these nations so we can be aware of any situations in their nations as well as keeping them informed about ours.

We have extended our friendship and mpps into the Pacifica Alliance, and the MoFA team will be expected to keep up our good relations with them and keep contact with them about whats going on in their nations as well as keeping them informed about whats happening in our own.


At this time the nation that we were going to aid hasn't responded to our message of support, but our door will still be open to them if they require it in the new term.

At this point there is a discussion about a possible tw details of which are still being worked on. So more when I have them.

Otherwise we'll be providing support to our allies in their battles.


We are currently getting between 2000 and 3000 cc a day into our treasury through taxes. this means we can support about 6 mpps with a little left over defence.

I look into maybe adjusting taxes to help with this but only after consultation with congress and cabinet and someone who knows the economy well. If a small adjustment won't make much overall difference a tax adjustment won't happen.

Also look at renting some of our spare regions to a friendly nation to bring in more income. The last month we rented brought in over 70kcc in rent and taxes. So it can be a good income generator.


I currently have only 1 full position filled and a deputy in cabinet so if any of you are interested in getting involved in the running of Australia or even just learning how its done as a deputy drop me a pm. The following are open:



Country President/Dictator Candidate
Proud eAustralian