Karnataka Tensions, POTUS Race Begins

Day 919, 19:33 Published in USA USA by Myles Robinson
In This Issue...
1. Comment From the Editor
2. Other Congressional News
3. India Demands US Withdraw from Karnataka
4. POTUS Race Gears Up

Myles Cannot Into Maryland and a Statement on eUS Politics
"Politicians are a lot like diapers: they should be changed frequently and for the same reason."
Eight months ago, the United States was recovering from the most devastating war it has yet faced. It had just survived what had seemed to be the weight of the New World pouring down upon it as the combined might of the PEACE Global Community carved up North America, forcing the United States down to only Florida. However, through the efforts of many Americans and our dear allies, and under the leadership of Emerick and then Gaius Julius, we were able to reclaim our conquered territory. It was in the wake of North American reclamation that I joined the Libertarian Party and then-party president DanielCD allowed me to run in the newly-reclaimed state of Maryland. I managed to defeat my opponent then by recruiting employees at the company I worked at and then the people I got to join via my society builder medal to vote for me. I also had gold at the time to be able to provide a lot of tickets, but I donated most of my money to tanking during Manitoba and Nunavut and never fully recovered (I'm just bad with gold and got addicted to the Lana drug for a while). Combined with most of my SB recruits going inactive, I lost my voter base but did not really care because, for a few months, all the major parties endorsed me and I never faced anything but blockers. I'd just round up a few of the crazies living in Maryland to vote for me and that was that.

This election I went up against three blockers and a legitimate candidate. My internet access has been slim for the past two weeks, so I did some PMing a few days before to the native Marylanders like a typically do and then a few of my friends. Furthermore, I tend to be incredibly lazy and poor and refuse to offer people who vote for me gold, guns, or houses; I usually just offer to cover tickets and then gift the wellness lost in moving. Election day I managed to hop on real quick to cast my vote, then sent a message to the TAMA Party President requesting help due to how close the vote was. Sometime before the election, my opponent was trailing by two votes (a big deal in these close races) and PMed me a concession (which I didn't get til the next morning due to my lack of internet). Then SEES sniped my seat out of Congress as my own party was focusing on keeping candidates allegedly aligned with Ajay Bruno from winning their seats (hence I was unable to receive any party support), and I lost Maryland for the first time after seven months of service.

But, perhaps it was healthy. On the one hand I liked the access to Congress so I could continue to participate and then offer my advice on foreign relations in particular when such issues arose in debate. It is good to have experienced people around Congress in various fields like that; but, as is the theme of late, new blood is needed to sometimes stir things up and bring excitement back into the game. If not excitement, then at least failure which will set us up for another invasion which will bring excitement in! (I kid, I kid... maybe). New people need a chance to let their voices be heard in the game both for our betterment and their retention; we can have the same politicians and bureaucrats running every all the time. From the Invasion of North America until now, the Executive Branch has been filled with almost the same people; every president from then til now served in Emerick's administration. Congress has been run by mostly the same individuals since then as well, including myself. Change has the potential to produce some good. Younger players step up and try to dig into politics; hopefully in V2 we can get off of this silly (but necessary) fortress system and our congressional politics can get interesting again.

Other Congressional News
These recent elections saw an incredible amount of first-term congressmen elected, which is forcing the congressional leadership into overdrive to try get all of the fresh faces situated into congressional rules and procedures that exist. As for congressional leadership, it is currently in limbo as Speaker of the House Fionia steps down and elections for a new speaker begin. Currently, the following individuals have received enough nominations to be on the ballot: Necrosis, Fionia (who has declined nomination), and eliwood_sain. Jewitt needs two more nominations to be considered. Causing some controversy this term is the nomination of former congressman Syrup for the position. Syrup is widely untrusted by national political leadership for sometimes doing things like granting high-level Phoenix individuals citizenship. Upon being pressed by some members of Congress and the public, Fionia has currently decided to, as Speaker of the House, block Syrup's nomination to replace her.

The American Progressive Front won 25% of the seats in Congress, and the Federalists trailed closely behind with 24%. SEES and the UIP tied at 17%, and the US Trade and Military Alliance rounded up the bottom at 15%. Some of these parties ran candidates from parties outside of the Top 5. As Congress works to organize itself and adjust its new members, it will most likely take a while for the body to get on its feet.

Sentiment to Reclaim Karnataka Grows in India

After freeing Karnataka from the forces of PEACE during the campaign for Asian liberation (War of the Three Pillars), the United States entered into an agreement with the Indian government to rent the valuable high iron region and turned it into America's first and only foreign fortress. The benefits were great for both India and the United States; the USA would gain an economic boost for holding the area and also be in a strategic location from which to conduct its foreign policy in Asia easily. India would gain a great deal of gold in rent each month (currently 900G), PTO support, and also the military protection of the United States should any of its hostile neighbors (which include can include Serbia, Iran, Pakistan, and Indonesia) decide to threaten them again.

Building off of nationalistic sentiment that has existed in India for some time, the President of India has recently demanded the return of Karnataka to Indian control, and a country poll shows that country's citizens to be overwhelmingly in favor of it. The president claims they do not want to be viewed as a puppet, would like to embrace a policy of neutrality, and want to embark on some sort of free trade/economic development exercise.

President Richardson has said that the United States will surrender Karnataka if India insists, but has advised India against it. He has also pointed out that the current contract allow the United States to control the region until the next presidential elections in June 5th, and has also noted it would be courteous for India to work with the United States to allow time for the selling of companies and evacuation of American citizens before transferring control. Other Americans have come out warning India of such a decision. Many feel that, without American renting Karnataka and the 900 GOLD that produces, India will be unable to maintain its MPPs. Without maintaining adequate MPPs and without an American fortress there, the poor and presently ill-equipped nation would be unable to withstand a Phoenix-backed invasion. Still others have insisted giving it back as soon as possible. It looks like the United States government will be transferring control of Karnataka to India once the contract expires on the 5th.

It is unlikely Serbia will invade so long as it holds Liaoning and India holds American, Spanish, and Croatian MPPs, for fear of activating those MPPs and putting Servia's position in Asia at an even more precarious place. However, Iran and Indonesia could certainly strike--or another country could landbridge down. Regardless, without adequate safeguards in place, it is likely India would suffer distress both economically and militarily if the United States were to withdraw. It will certainly be something for next month's presidents to keep an eye on. This is how Indonesia views neutrality..

POTUS Election Gearing Up

With congressional elections over, the race for the White House is gearing up as candidates are beginning to make themselves known. Four candidates have already tossed their hats into the ring for consideration:
-Vice President Chocolate McSkittles has produced an article asking for feedback and questions before releasing more informational articles on his campaign. He is branding himself as a continuation of the call for fresh faces in American politics. {Interesting tidbit: Choc is one of four people this newspaper has ever endorsed for office (for Congress months ago) and was also the editor's second friend on eRepublik.}
-Secretary of Defense Angelini announced her candidacy as well, and is running to be the first female president of the eUnited States. She has yet to produce an official platform either, and was previously a vice-presidential nominee.
-Former US Mobile Infantry General Sir Valaro Volcrum has tossed his hat into the ring, and has named Deputy Secretary of the Interior CivilAnarchy as his running mate.
-Colin Lantrip, a highly experienced, respected, and involved player whose numerous positions have included Chief of Staff and several cabinet secretary positions, has also said he has intentions to run and should be releasing an official article within the next few days.

With such strong candidates, it looks like this is gearing up to be a tremendous and fresh election for the United States.

Closing Dolphin

~Myles Robinson~
Thanks LaurenBug and Ligtreb for the Gifts ^.^