Karnataka is USA

Day 920, 00:02 Published in USA Hungary by Dante Alagherii

Today I have to talk about one point


1. The Karnataka situation


1. The Karnataka situation

The Indian President recently wrote an article where he talks about how Karnataka is really Indian to do with as they please.

Here is his article http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-presidential-iron-fist1-1385056/1/20

Here is the best part:

"So we now feel that we should take Karnataka and keep it open for us to try and administer as a free trade zone. let me tell you we do not wish to be anti EDEN or anti Phoenix. We are neutral and will remain Neutral. We wish to give all nations an equal opportunity to be our trade partners
and would like to build relations with our neighbor Iran too.
We would now like to try and earn and build up our gold reserves and try and play around with the free trade concept.
If as an experiment it does not succeed, we shall invite other nations and rent the region out to them
but we deserve this chance and we hope we get support from nations around the world.
The final decision will be taken of course after discuss this matter with Indian active population."


The funniest part about all this is that there is only 150 Indians in their active population. Phoenix used to hold this region until we won it from them. Phoenix wasnt paying India any rent. But we have been so nice about it that we actually send them 900 gold a month, in addition to paying both sides of our MPP, not to mention provide ATO support etc.

India seems to think that they can have some sort of zero reset here where they are holding Karnataka and they can rent it to the highest bidder. No doubt Phoenix has contacted them and has offered more than we are paying them.

Let's take a look at the financial aspects of this first. While Hungary was holding Hello Kitty, they
were making 600 gold a day. Now they make only 400. Also, imagine the cost to our citizens of moving out of Karnataka. Imagine the problems to our businesses that a move out of Karnataka would cause. So much money would be lost, not to mention all the businesses that would move out of USA.

Now let's look at the tactical nightmare such a scenario would create. If USA was out of Karnataka,
Phoenix would control the area from Hungary to Indonesia. Hungary could then easily create a land bridge thru Serbia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan all the way to Asia and into the southern hemisphere. Phoenix would be able to transport any of those powers into the resource-rich areas of the world.

This situation is unacceptable. The most troubling thing here is that India doesnt seem to remember who their friends are. We are the ones who are their allies. We pay them rent for Karnataka. We provide anti-takeover support. We take care of them.

The 150 active players in India need to get their act together or else.

We will not leave Karnataka without a fight.

And here is what Phoenix SG Woldy thinks about the whole situation.



No fear DANTE is here 😉

Sincerely ,
Dante Alagherii, resident of Karnataka, USA


My opinion today

http://i46.tinypic.com/21e6bza.png" />
