Karacticus Calling

Day 667, 09:59 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Unity Party


Wow! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to lead this fantastic party.
It just goes to show that even in a party as large as ours there is an equal chance for both old and new members to have a significant input.

We are the most successful party in the eUK and that is something we can all be proud of. Our strength comes from our unity. We have shown that be acting as a team rather than a collection of individual we can achieve great things.

Over the next month we must once again prove ourselves to be brilliant. We can not rest upon our laurels. Our first task over the next few days is to reach out to all our members and create stronger links. To do this we have put together something called the RUP.

For those who are curious RUP stands for Regional Unity Party. The RUP will help all party members have a voice within their regions and provide a stronger link between your good selves and the national party.
The RUP’s are there for you, so when they get in touch, don’t be afraid to talk back.

Our man Malta is our RUP co-ordinator so if you have any questions drop him a line.

I’d also like to suggest that you add any Unity Party member you see as a friend. We are working together for the country so we need to be well connected. If I’m not in your friend list add me.

As I’ve said already our strength comes from our ability to work as one. Within our party we have some excellent talent and over the next few days I’ll be putting out an article to introduce the whole party to them. Of course I am only aware of the talents of the folks who are forum active. If you think you can add something then please come and get stuck in.

Within a week the September congress elections will be upon us. Last time around we managed to maintain a majority. I believe we have the strength and belief to build upon this and make significant gains this month. We will shortly be opening our monthly party conference to discuss our congress manifesto. As this is a collective effort it would be great to see more of you lend your voice to this process.
You can do this by joining our forums.

Before I leave you I think it would be ridiculous of me not to mention Mr. Woldy.
As you are all aware he has been a fantastic President for this party for the last two months. His experience, enthusiasm and ability have helped drive this party forward.
Many of you probably believed that he would be retiring but I am pleased to say he has agreed to act for the next month as my deputy.

Before I sign off, I’d like to say congratulate Miloman and Stefan1992 on a well run campaign. I think we had a record turnout and a really close run race.

Right then I'm off for me tea.

Let's have a cracking month.


Unity Party President