Joshua Hoss for eIsraeli President

Day 771, 10:23 Published in Israel USA by Joshua Hoss
Official Declaration

I, Joshua Hoss, intend to seek election as President of eIsrael on January 5th, 2010. I will be running as a member of the United Zionist Socialist Party.


I will be brief with an introduction to my background. I joined eRepublik in January of 2009, so next month will mark my 1 year anniversary of playing this game. I spent most of my time in the eUSA. There I served as a Congressman twice, Party Vice President three months, Party President for one month, and ran for the eUSA Presidential Office. I was also very active in the eUSA military, holding various roles/ranks for several months, ultimately reaching the rank of General and role as Commanding Officer of one of the eUSA’s military branches (the Airborne, which played a major role in freeing eIsrael/Greece).

I moved to eIsrael in early November at the request of several friends. My intent was to serve in the eIsrael Defense Force as a Commanding Officer of the Training Corps. When I arrived there was no real structure or power to the Training Corps. I (with help) began to create the training documents and structure that is present today. During that time I helped other areas of the eIDF grow as well. When Sir Valaro Volcrum, who was at that time the General of the eIDF, resigned I was named his replacement. I am proud to say that since the time I took over the eIDF has doubled in size, grown in ability, and helped many new players learn about the game. I am very proud of the eIDF and the fine officers/soldiers it has in it.

Regarding the eIsraeli Defense Force

Many of you will remember that when I took over the eIDF I promised to make it an organization outside of politics. I declared that I would not use my rank/role for political gain. That being said I would like this note😛

I, Joshua Hoss, hereby resign as General of the eIsraeli Defense Force, effective at 16:00 eRepublik time on Day 771.

I will not run as a candidate will serving as General, nor would I ever use the eIDF to gain that election. I have named StygianSteel as my replacement and will turn over to him all organizations, passwords, and document. Once I do he will become the new General of the eIDF. I wish him and all the fine soldiers within that organization the best of luck. You will all forever be in my heart.



We have grown much over the course of the last few months. We have seen a President who used treachery and despair and a President who left due to inactivity and poor communication. The office of President of eIsrael is one that has not seen stability in some time. Our current President, Franz Kafka, has done much to improve this. However he cannot continue due to real life issues.

If elected I would like to increase the activity, availability, and responsibility of the role of President. Many of you know that I can easily be reached. I check eRepublik many times per day, am on the forums often, and can be reached on the Rizon chat channel. If elected I promise to listen to the citizens of eIsrael, hear their concerns, and talk to them on a daily basis. I promise to devote 110% of my time to serving our great country, and towards making it a better place for all.

Military Policy

I begin with what I consider to be one of my strengths: Military. The eIDF has grown much in the last few months. While I can take partial credit more goes towards the fine officers I worked with. As President I will not meddle with the eIDF but use it as a tool for the protection of eIsrael. The day to day running of the eIDF will be left to those within it, as it should be. I will however work with the Knesset to see towards the eventual funding of the eIDF. Free weapons for soldiers/citizens can only benefit our country.

Foreign Policy

We should all understand the delicate situation our country is in. At the time I write this the Haifa District has been taken over by eTurkey. We face constant threat from that nation, a threat that we cannot ignore. If elected I promise to work very hard at gaining stability in our region of the New World. This includes maintaining our Mutual Protection Pact (alliance) with the eUSA, working on bringing peace to our region, and developing our relations with eGreece and eTurkey. While it may seem funny that a military person such as me speaks about peace it is logical. eIsrael cannot win or survive on its own right now. We are too small to hope for that. We need to work with the international community to ensure that eIsrael’s goals are achieved.

Domestic Policy

While working out our continued survival I will also be focusing on our development as a country. We are all area of the language barrier within our country. That is the nature of the game. We have real life Israelis and real life non-Israelis who all can call themselves eIsraelis. That should be the focus: that we are ALL eIsraelis. It shouldn’t matter what a person’s primary language is or where they live in real life. What should matter is if they want the best for eIsrael and are willing to work towards that goal. We should not exclude people from either group simply because they may be “different”. Instead we should converse with them, find out what they want, what they think, and what they want to do. eIsrael could be a great country if we spent less time segregating and instead focused on building a better community.

If elected I promise to work with both real life Israelis and non Israelis. It makes no difference to me where a person comes from or what their primary language is. I want capable people doing the best they can to make our country great. I can proudly point to the eIDF and note that segregation is not used there; instead players are rewarded on their ability to play the game and follow orders. The eIDF has great players from both camps.

Economic Policy

eIsrael makes very little income when compared to many other countries. Because of that what we can do with that money is limited. If elected I plan on stimulating the economy of our country, placing people in charge who can do the best to improve our situation, and working with the Knesset to increase our gold reserves. We have no high resource areas (thanks admins), but we do have highly skilled people. We should focus on importing raw materials, using our highly skilled workforce to turn those raw materials into sellable goods, and exporting them for a profit. If we fine tune our taxes and focus our workforce eIsrael can become an economic powerhouse. It won’t be easy, but it can be done.


Expect more articles from myself over the course of the next few days. I am still establishing my cabinet, working on fine tuning my policies, and working with our current administration to fully understand the direction they had intended. I ask that you keep an open mind, contact me if you have questions, and bring and suggestions you have to me. I promise to always listen.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Joshua Hoss