Jon Malcom for Congress

Day 667, 11:40 Published in USA USA by Jon Malcom

1. I hate PEACE...
2. I will vote down useless measures. No we don't need to have a "fee spree".
3. I used to think that peace with PEACE might have worked. You know, let's buy back everything. Of course now I have seen the huge might of our armed forces along with amazing generals. So I tell you, PEACE needs to be quaking. Because we're coming for you...Columbia
4. I am political noob, never done anything political in my life. Please take a chance on me and vote me in for congress.
5. We need a stronger more unified congress in a time of war. I won't always agree with the president or other members but if there proposals that help America then I'm on board.
6. We need a unified America. That means while we can tastefully run against each other we shouldn't be cutting each other in half.

Here is the interview that wjbolton gave me:

Those of you who do not already know Mr Jon Malcom, you should get to know him since his face might become very familiar in the political front. Jon Malcom is running for congress under the conservative party ticket. I caught up with Jon Malcom himself to find out the reasons why he chose to run for office. I have known Jon Malcom himself for years, and thought that I should interview him about why he has chosen to run for office.

1. Why Have you chosen to run for Congress?

I decided to run for congress because I saw the need for citizens to step up and not stay in their comfort zone. My comfort zone was pretty much anything but politics. In fact I'm not good at all the rules in anything on this game. But I can learn and I can wing it as well.
I also decided to run simply because it's a new experience and I enjoy serving the people of the United States.

2. Why should the Ecitizens vote for you?

They should vote for me because I'm not a noob that just two clicks his way around. I do spend time on IRC and occasionally on the forums.
I am totally against PEACE. I will read and study the proposals set before me and I will do what ever I can to make the citizens of Oregon happy.
I also believe in the citizens of this country getting chances from our government to better the US, like a grant. Take Mcfarland Construction. I think it's a great idea that citizens can build hospitals/defence systems. Here is the link for Mcfarland Construction

3. Why should conservatives vote for you?

Well that's a good question simply because a lot of the game issues that apply here don't apply in RL. I think conservatives in this game can be represented by loving their country, hating PEACE, and by having low taxes with a balanced budget. But I'm still learning, I'm a young soul thrust into this strange world if you will.

4. What issues concern you most?

Hmm, well the US and allies almost being obliterated would be a good start, also the PTO'ing of allied countries, keeping our government honest to it's country, and the reduction of multi's. Ajay Bruno makes a good case on that last one.

5. What sort of change do you expect to bring to Washington if you win election?

I think the change that I can bring is new blood but not arrogance. Learning everything I can to help Oregon. Getting a hospital and defense system would be awesome and I will push for it. Also helping new citizens, if we can help them in Oregon with a better system than we can help them across the country. People always beat a path to your door for a better mousetrap. Let's build one Oregon!

6. What makes you the best conservative candidate?

Well if you look at my opponent who I believe is a guy named Mr. Havox. I think he's the official guy for now but there will be more running I'm sure. He's a great guy from what I read meaning I can't say anything that makes me better than him. Good luck Mr. Havox!

This looks like it might be a good political race, best of wishes to all conservative candidates in the race. And thank you, Jon Malcom for the opprotunity to interview you.

Editor and Chief - Conservative News 101


Please vote Jon Malcom for Oregon for a better America.

Thank you and if I missed anything that you can see let me know and PM me.