Join the revolution in eSlovakia!

Day 633, 14:57 Published in Germany Slovakia by Citizens Liberation Army

That's right all you lefties from communists to socialists to anarchists to ... WHATEVER! If you want to take part in a grand attempt to bring never before seen change to eRepublik then have I got a proposal for you! Join... eSLOVAKIA!!! We at the Slovakian Communist Party (SCP) are attempting to make eRepublik history! We are trying to make the first truly communist ecountry of the new world! We are already the largest party of Slovakia and with your help we can have even more workers and enough votes to gain presidency and maybe even every seat in congress! This movement is already full of active members so if you want to be a part of something new and exciting please don't hesitate to move to eSLOVAKIA!!!

Still not convinced? Read on!

Let me explain the concept of the commune in eRepublik. There are companies. These companies are operated from an org account. This org account is operated by whoever has been elected to operate it (Commissar of Economy) chosen by the people because of their knowledge of company (or perhaps prior commune) management. They however also work for one of the companies just like everyone else and the only thing they do in operating the companies is manage resources and wages and all the technical game stuff associated with keeping everything running smoothly. Also they donate people the things they need to survive such as food, gifts, weapons, houses, and even moving tickets if requested. EVERYONE gets any of this they need, assuming enough is produced. As long as employee figures are evened out properly between resources and manufactured goods there should be PLENTY of goods PLUS SURPLUS! This surplus can then be sold to foreign companies for profit BUT this profit goes to the state treasury and is used for things like hospitals, MPPs, war costs, defense systems, expanding current companies in the communes, maintaining parties, things like that. This way EVERYONE has wellness, can train and fight if there is a war, heal in any region (in the future), feel safe and protected, and is gaining skills and experience from working. All the while Slovakia is gaining more and more healthy, experienced citizens and is becoming a literal paradise. Now what about that sounds bad?

We respect that many people are not fond of communism. This can be expected of people who lived under the sham of false communism in real life. We will NOT be another soviet union. We will NOT be another tyrannical dictatorship nor another fascist state in disguise. This is not my goal nor is it the goal of the SCP. I beg of you to open your mind and see that in this game communism is much different than in real life. With everyone participating in discussion and voting on our forums and in the media we can all work together to make not only the first communist ecountry, but a truly democratic communist ecountry at that!

So if you are interested there are two things you should do.
First please visit our forum and make sure to register.
Next contact the CLA or SCP so that we can help you pick the region you should move to as well as which commune you would be most beneficial in.
Thank you all for your time and I hope to see you with us soon!

For Slovakia!