job market issues

Day 655, 05:39 Published in USA USA by Brandon_H

Dear admins,

there are many great companies out there, but some for some reason are not so good ones that hurting players particulary new players who don't get it and quit or can't quit for 3 days and are unable to work for that time.....

let's say you are a new player today and you go for your first job and see the highest is American Q1 food at 3.50 and you think oh sweet i'm get a really good job, well sadly your not the copany has no stock (and i'm guessing no money either)

well you quit and move on to the next job at
Wolverine Coaching Gunz same issue

why is this happening i don't know maybe there both inactive or trying to hurt eco.

i sugguest to the admins a solution, make it so that you can not join a company that doesn't have enough money to pay you or has Raw materials for you to work with.

thankyou for your time,