Jiizm for West Midlands Congressman

Day 457, 11:48 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jiizm
My name is Jiizm, and I am running for a congress seat in the West Midlands.

Fellow West Midlander’s, we have fallen upon hard times. It is with a heavy heart that I must acknowledge that Hazzn, our most active and promising congressman is stepping down. We have also recently lost former prime minister Deathtoll32 from the region. Hazz and DT were the pinnacle of West Midlands society, the creators in many ways, and will be sorely missed.

However, we can’t just sit around moping all our lives, and that is why I plan to run for congressman. I have been on eRep for over 4 months now. In that time, I have become:
• the NHS director for the West Midlands,
• a member of TUP,
• Interviewer to the stars,
• Co-founder of the eUK Lottery, a totally non-profit organisation,
• A member of Squad A1, Royal Guard,
• And, my proudest role: A West Midlander.

All roles I continue to this day but I won’t dwell on what is already occuring, just giving a bit of background.

So Why Vote For Me?

Well, for starters, I am active, both in-game and on the forums, and have great support from my party and friends, many of whom have already been congressmen. I already feel experienced in the political field, due to my involvement in Party Politics, the NHS, the army and interviewing important politicians. It is no secret that TUP is the Party with most congressmen, and this is because TUP members have shown themselves to be responsible, competent, and have great support in place to improve the services they offer. By voting for me, you get not only myself as a congressman, but the wealth of experience and knowledge that is behind me.

I am ALWAYS willing to accept help/advice from any citizen’s, and equally willing to offer advice to any in need. As a congressman, I will continue the tradition started by Deathtoll32 and Hazzn, of consulting with the constituency over any legislation on the private West Midland’s Public Opinion forum. I believe that the most important traits for a congressman are activity and approachability, both of which I offer happily.

The Public Opinion’s forum is an inheritance I plan to fully utilise, and extend. Currently, it allows West Midlander’s ONLY to privately discuss politics. However, in my view, it can be so much more. The privacy means West Midlander’s can chat, learn and discuss in peace, safe in the knowledge they will not be judged. If elected, I would like to update the private area to offer help and advice for any West Midlander’s in a safe, confidential setting.

I firmly believe that the West Midlands is one of the most active and contributive regions in the eUK. This is supported by the activity of our regional forums, which, unfortunately, is now only the second most active in the country. I also strongly believe that this game, and the fun and friendships that come from it, relies heavily on interaction on the forums. If elected, one of my major aims will be to increase forum use among West Midlander’s once again, (and take us above those filthy heathen’s that are Yorkshire and Humbersider’s)!

I will also continue to expand the influence of the NHS clinic in our region. The more people I can reach in the region, the healthier we are as a whole. By combining my job as a director with that of a congressman, I can help in a more wholesome way; both in terms of health and the social side of the game.

I realise that there are few revolutionary ideas here. This is simply because I do not believe they are necessary in our region, at this time. I am very proud of our position, and the legacy people like Hazzn have left us. It is now up to us not to stagnate, as is perhaps beginning to occur, and to move on from here, into a position of great prosperity. I hope to lead you through this time as an active, approachable and socially-minded representative.

I humbly await your decision, and hope the members of the region can make the best choices for the future.

Yours as Always, Jiizm.

This campaign is supported by Hazzn (and hopefully the people of the West Midlands too!)