jamesw for President: Introduction, and Cabinet Apps.

Day 1,656, 13:58 Published in United Kingdom France by Hell The Great
Have some theme music.

The song and image are indicative of what I bring to every role I have had in eRepublik. Consistent, guaranteed, and above all, emphatic chaos, with organisation, dedication, and most of all, success. Just like the song, you might not necessarily agree with the content, you may (as I do) think its quite frankly, ridiculous. However, it works.

For those of you who don't know me, allow me to introduce you to my history. I have served in pretty much every cabinet role going. I began in a role called 'Gifting Director' [under President Woldy] - essentially I would pester new players offering them a hug, free food, and guidance.

I quickly progressed into various ministerial capacities;
Minister of Work (1.5 terms) [Under President Dishmcds,
Minister of ??? Profit (1 term) [Under President Karacticus],
co-Minister of Home Affairs (1 term)[Under President Karacticus],
Minister of Finance (covered last week of term),
Minister of Foreign Affairs (1 term) [Under President GGRyan],
Chief of Defence/General Staff (AKA: Minister of Defence) [Under President Iain Keers]
Vice President (4 terms) [Under Presidents: Iain Keers, John Bartlett*, Jhorlin and Talon Karrde.

I have also held the office of President (Prime Minister) in the following months;
May 2010
August 2010 (Final 2 weeks, following Resignation of John Bartlett)
September 2010
November 2010
June 2011
July 2011 (First two weeks only, inactivity due to RL, replaced by Daniel Thorrold

I've also been involved in the running of several alliances; namely, 1.5 months spent as the Supreme Commander of everyones favourite alliance, PHOENIX. I have also spent one month as the Secretary General (AKA: Big boss man) in the Terra(ble) Alliance.

All in all, I have been advising, running, volunteering or just generally helping since November 2009. To be blunt, there isn't much I haven't had to contend with; rampaging Canadians, huge game mechanic changes, fearing ultimate defeat, and even fundamentally restructuring an entire Government. My experience not only allows me to hit the ground running, but also gives me the absolute freedom to do what is best, regardless of the consequences. During my time, I've been involved majorly with 3 parties, have openly criticised every party, and have demonstrated that politically, I don't really care where you come from.

Another note: my profile page outlines almost 12 million damage for the US. This is, of course, me fighting in RWs that were already decided (closing stages) to get myself free candy bars. These candy bars where then used to fight for Serbia and Macedonia; but mostly, to help the UK whenever I could. If you're curious why I went to the eUS at all: a few months ago I managed to secure CS to supply our military with more weapons (100/100 Resource boosters meant we produced, at the time, double what we would have done in the UK) - Since then the military uses other players, and once I had used all my employee placeholders; I had no reason to stay.

In the coming days I shall be publishing in depth, exhaustive and hopefully, good, articles which will formulate my candidacy. I shall begin each by outlining goals, with the bulk of each article outlining how I feel I can achieve these goals. Feedback is, as ever, most welcome - be it reflective feedback on policies I have outlined, or proposals for new policies I can incorporate. Just drop me a message.

I'd also like to thank the following parties, for pledging their support to me already; its a huge vote of confidence in my plans for people to roundly support me despite my late entrance; so thank you to:

Every Single One
The United Kingdom Progression Party
Peoples Communist Party

I do hope to welcome any and every other party who shares my goals, my vision, or my hopes for the future; please tune in for further articles; Domestics, Economics and then finally a Military (with brief Foreign Affairs) manifestos. If you are curious about priorities; mine are simple. I feel the UK's to key ministries: home affairs and defence, are severely lacking. I do not seek just changes in personnel, but rather, structural and lasting reforms to hopefully install systems and procedures that last.

Thank you for reading, and I hope I can count on your vote come the 5th. Lots of chavtastic yaoi love,


I'm accepting applications for the following ministries. Please send applications via PM, with any relevant experience, etc;

- Minister of Home Affairs (x2)
- Minister of Foreign Affairs (x2)
- Minister of Defence (x2)
- Minister of Retention (x2)
- Minister of Legislative Affairs
- Minister of Finance