James Campbell- IUP Congress Candidate- Ireland Northeast

Day 514, 09:13 Published in Ireland Ireland by James Campbell

Fellow Irish citizens,

First and foremost, I intend to run for congress in my incumbant position, that of Ireland Northeast.

Below is a brief outlaw of my beliefs and ambitions for my next term in Congress, should I get elected.

1) Ideology- I am a centre left candidate with moderate but left leaning economic and social stances. I believe there to be a slight chasm existing in eIreland today in that there is a majority of conservative politicians in a largely liberal leaning society. I promise to be the voice of the real majority inside the Irish Union Party and inside Congress inself, should I get elected.

2) Citizen Fee- The lowering of the Citizen Fee was, in my opinion, a stroke of genius in that it stops the draining effect on State resources produced by new citizens. It is however, of utmost importance to at all times ensure that new citizens are able to receive a decent living wage whereby they can afford food to replenish wellness lost during work and training exercises. I vow to be a protector of such values.

3) Government Owned Companies- I fully support a small number of State owned companies being operational in order to provide work and living wages for new citizens. I would approve of the establishment of a gift manufacturing company would increase the governments ability to provide health for some of Irelands least fortunate. However, the governments role should be kept under control so as not to be overactive or overbearing on small and medium sized firm owners who do not have the financial scope to compete with a nations resources.

4) Taxation- I believe small increases in taxes will allow the State extra revenue and therfore ability to provide the infrastructure and national security the citizens of eIreland desire and deserve. Compared to our neighbouring countries (USA, UK) we have extremely low taxation. With a moderate increase we could ensure our firms remain highly competitive within the area.

5) Military- Increased involvement in war games and in military expeditions (financed by the state) to other countries is vital for eIreland's economic performance on the world stage. I will be a proponent of a more proactive Ireland in this sense, whilst ensuring the maintenance of eIrelands impressive veneer in the international community.

I'd sincerely appreciate you voting for me, April 25th

Kind regards,

James Campbell
TD Northeast Ireland