Jacobi Cabinet MK VIII

Day 1,226, 19:27 Published in Canada Canada by Jacobi

I love the word manifesto.

I also love the improbable longevity of Mackenzie King

Since today is the unveiling the cabinet day, I found myself wondering about a theme. I wanted Star Trek, but Adasko has done that as far as it should be done. Since I actually have named deputies this term, I’d like to have it as a mix of newer players, ones that haven’t been much in government before, and older experienced hands. It’s an interesting balance all told, and I’m quite pleased with it.

Alas, I got sidetracked skipping through my music collection so I ended up not having a theme worth its salt. In any case, here it is:

Jacobi Government VIII

Vice President
Acacia Mason

The only man to have bested me, who better to have at my side when the going get’s tough? I will be relying on Acacia to be the point many in Congressional initiatives, in providing expertise from the Executive and logistical support where needed to make things happen. I’m saddened that JFStPierre, a strong right hand man, won’t be returning due to exams, but I’m happy that this allows me to bring Acacia on board.

Minister of Foreign Affairs
Chucky Norris

This is practically turning All-Star 2010 isn’t it? Chucky has tonnes of experience, and will help us really strengthen our EDEN ties while reinforcing the position we’ve taken in Terra. Chucky has the all around experience to go from Good to Great.

Secretary of State for the Ambassador Corps (Deputy Minister)
Kazuo Leblanc

Minister of Defence

Killacrazy will have his first major role in cabinet, giving a modern edge to the first three dinosaurs. This is the guy who will be calling the shots on civilian orders on a daily basis, and helping to bridge any differences between the Executive and the CAF.

Minister of Military Reform (Deputy Minister)

Minister of Information

Deputy Minister

That’s it. Slightly bigger only in that I’ve named the Deputy Ministers this time. My thanks and gratitude to MaryChan, Lincoln6Echo, JSBoutin (who has better things to do than clean up our orders messes 😛) and Kilgore for their services this month.

Up next? Military Reform proposal.

Can’t wait!

(thanks SDLSRS)