Jacen Molare for Congress

Day 426, 16:03 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jacen Molare

Hello People of 'Norn Iron' and other various friends who may be reading this. My name is Jacen Molare, and I wish to run for Congress in January 09.

Why would I wish to run for Congress, I hear you ask? It has been an extreme honour to stand for Northern Ireland in the eUK Parliament. Politics can be a tricky business, but when I last stood I promised that I would aim to reach beyond partisan politics and I believe I have. I have tried to work with my colleague, Taytaz, from the PCP, and whilst we had some issues, I believe so far we have succeeded in representing the people of Northern Ireland.

So, what are some of the things I stand for?

The People
As a member of TUP, one of the things we have been working on (indeed in part from a suggestion I myself made) was how we as a Party can stand for the new member to the eRepublik. Coming to the New World can be a difficult thing-with many rules, regulations, game mechanics etc. It can be a confusing time, and indeed many who come to the New World simply give up due to the complexities of the game. It is my vision that each and every new person who comes to the New World can have someone there to help guide them and answer questions. And not only offer advice, but also practical guidance. One of my aims has been to always provide assistance to new members, even to the extent of giving food to new members to help them on their way. I feel that for those of us who have established ourselves in the new world, it is our responsibility to make sure those who follow us have every chance of surviving and growing.

Work and Employment
Another of my goals is to ensure that Congress and other agencies can ensure good working jobs for the Northern Ireland region. Following on from my hopes for new members, one thing I see is many low paying jobs. When a person comes to the new world, it can be difficult to survive on a low income job. Low income jobs prevent new members from purchasing high quality foodstuffs. I believe that companies should be encouraged to employ low experience citizens at a decent wage, and have even argued in Congress for government subsidies to facilitate this. I will continue to support such initiatives.

Northern Ireland Congressional Office and Local Politics
During my first term in Congress I created the Congressional Office. I believe this to be a very important space within the region. For what good is a Congressman if you cannot get in touch and represent you views?! I hope to see the Congressional Office grow and develop, regardless of who sits in it!
I also wish to increase the political activity in the region, and one of the ways I wish to do this is through the Norn Iron Senate (see here; http://forums.erepublik.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=117&t=1278). I believe politics to be under the purview of more than just those who sit in Parliament, and that every citizen has a right to debate and discuss local issues, as well as national ones.

Activity Drives
Of course, one of the vital issues in a region is how active it is. An inactive region will slowly die. One of the things I did in my first term in Congress was to start an eFlag for Norn Iron competition, which is currently being run. This is just the first of my ideas; I hope to initiate other drives which can ensure that our region stays active, and indeed grows in numbers.

I have strong views about our international relations. In my time in Congress, we have seen a very costly war with eFrance. It is my believe that in order to avoid such costly wars in the future, the eUK needs to be at the forefront of creating a new alliance, a European alliance. This Pan-European Alliance should not only be built on military cooperation, but also on economic, geographical and cultural needs. It is my view that Atlantis is flawed, perhaps fatally so, but that as a nation, we must also maintain our close links with the other Atlantis nations, in order to effect change from within. However, it is my hope that the days of 'super-powers' will reach an end, and that regional alliances based on mutual cooperation and understanding can grow in their place.

I have had one month in Congress. I thank the people of Northern Ireland for that opportunity, and wish to commit to bigger and better things. I assure you, that if you vote for me, I will continue the work that has already begun, not only on a regional level, but on a national level too. I have a dream, and that dream is an active Norn Iron-our region has much character, and I wish to see that displayed on the national, and international stage. I believe that first and foremost, the region comes first; an active and healthy region can contribute to an active and healthy nation! I call on all people of Norn Iron-ask not what Norn Iron can do for you, but what you can do for Norn Iron.

Thank you for reading this Manifesto, and I encourage you all to vote, regardless of who it is for. Do not just vote for a Party, but vote for who you think will represent Norn Iron best!

Jacen Molare